335 Titan looking for people that can take me to the lighthouse
I'm not the best in pvp but I do my best
Never been to the lighthouse but hope to get there at some point
GT same as above
Bounties can only hear u my micbroke
Looking for a team to go flawless. I don't respond to messages. Don't waste my time here guys... Invite me if you guys have been multiple times flawless. I run blink shotgun, as long as you guys are good, i'm good. Been flawless once this weekend so far. Invite L Gagnier L7L
Need 1 1.3+ Will check
Need 1 for flawless run. We've both got Scarab and we both have good K/D. Will be checking stats but message me with your stats if you know them. Message me on Xbox One for invite. GT - Unt x Spongebob
What's going on guys! Wanna see top 150 tear it up in trials? Come join the stream! Donors get priority and I do raffles! [http://twitch.tv/SpicyJewLive]
Need 1 for flawless run. We've both got Scarab and we both have good K/D. Will be checking stats but message me with your stats if you know them. Message me on Xbox One for invite. GT - Unt x Spongebob
Bounties run inv
334 hunter with a 1.14 kd ratio i need someone with better stat in welling to try pls pick me up my gt sake as above
Need 2 for flawless no squeakers positive attitude and kd
Top 1% player streaming some trials carries Come check out the stream and earn some points to win a carry https://www.twitch.tv/syntzx
Bounties run invite
330 warlock trying to do bounties and win some gt above
Need a flawless and cant get it? Come to the stream and lets get that flawless. Top 100 in trials. twitch.tv/thakid60
1.25 kd 335 blade, looking for flawless run. inv gt: x BrettStuggots
Need 1 for flawless run. We've both got Scarab and we both have good K/D. Will be checking stats but message me with your stats if you know them. Message me on Xbox One for invite. GT - Unt x Spongebob
Need 1 for trials flawless run msg me on xbox Gt Uluahuntazrus
Need 1 for flawless run. We've both got Scarab and we both have good K/D. Will be checking stats but message me with your stats if you know them. Message me on Xbox One for invite. GT - Unt x Spongebob
Need one 1.3+ 1650+ will check
Need 2 for flawless no squeakers positive attitude and kd
Looking for a team of 2. I'm a 335 blade. With an overall KD of 1.67 and 2.05 this week. Looking for a quick flawless. Message GT above or send invite.
Need 2 for flawless must have 1.3 plus and play like a 3.0 must have April update flawless msg Chaotic v4
Need 1 for flawless send message +KD XB1
Need 2 Be good or get a boot Must have: Mic 325+ Positive k/d I have a 1.19 k/d Msg drewyubeezy for inv
Top 1% player streaming some trials carries Come check out the stream and earn some points to win a carry https://www.twitch.tv/syntzx
Need 2 for bounties. GT: boohahax
Everybody go check out www.twitch.tv/arcovey