[quote]snipers weren't a problem in year 1[/quote]
Do you know how many things weren't a problem in Y1 that now got nerfed? Snipers need a tweaking.
Snipers were fine because everything else strong. Everything else kept them in check, because of the nerfs, snipers now feel op when they aren't, they do their job. In the hands of a good player they can even feel more op but not because snipers r op, it's because everything else is weak. If u nerf snipers further, they will be destroyed. At the most elite lvl, snipers r rarely used. Shotguns r. The problem as well is that people don't know how to play well against snipers. People think they can jus peak lanes. They then come on here complaining because they got killed by it. Snipers aren't the problem, it's the lack of primaries not being able to counter as well as people's lack of ability to play the game
See you're talking about past tense though. As of now snipers are OP. Snipers haven't even been nerfed so I don't see how sniping them even further will destroy them. If they get nerfed it'd be balanced. You are mistaken if you believe that shotguns are used more than snipers at the elite level. It is the other way around.
The thing is how do u nerf snipers without destroying them.
Simple really. Increase swap time speed; no more of that body shot primary bs. Decrease movement speed and ADS speed like they did shotguns. Just a similar nerf to shotguns. I don't want descope, that's just nonsense. Increase flinch? debatable. Decrease rate of fire. Debatable.Just a similar nerf to the shotgun nerf.
Simply just get rid of Quickdraw then.
That wont work because hunters are the only class with quickdraw, even without quickdraw the rate at which you swap between a primary and a sniper is still fast.
Not really, plus it's a smart tactic, to body someone and finish with a primary. Without Quickdraw, players who get bodied have time to get some cover before the sniper can finish him off with a primary. And who r u playing in sweats that r using universal remote lol. Those kids must be terrible.
Its not a smart tactic its cheap. Not really, you swap weapons fast. I was in a gunfight last weekend, I had a sniper out body shot him switched weapons and finished him off with a primary before he could finish killing me. Uni is a beast of a weapon really, especially if you use the uni/snipe combo. You basically have two powerhouses at your disposal.
Uni/sniper combo is good because ACTUAL primaries are weak. If u buff primaries across the board, snipers and shotguns will get put in place. Snipers and shotguns do what they r intended to do. Primaries are the ones falling behind. They need to be buffed.
I wouldn't say its because of that. Certain feel good in my opinion, they're are just certain archetypes that need buffs. My last word is bae even after the nerfs.
Well I think that snipers r op because of the reasons I mentioned. Shotguns are very strong as well because primaries don't do as well. The uni/sniper combo shouldn't be a thing in top tier pvp, it's sad that a person running basically double special weapons can do very well. I want ttk on primaries to be faster. I want to see more gunskill. Ttk on primaries needs to be somewhere between year 1 HoW and taken king launch.
And i think snipers are OP because they havent been touched. It would depending on the players play style.
U want the game to be even slower is what I'm getting from u. U want this game to be less competitive and more for the casual. All the nerfs have done is make the skill gap closer and closer. Nerfing snipers the way u want won't change that much, players will still complain about snipers. The changes u recommend won't change the fact that u get double bodied or domed in the head. The fact is, because ttk has gotten slower, snipers have more time to line up shots and also feel less threatened by primaries. They can land multiple shots now compared to year 1 l, they would be punished if they didnt land that headshot.
They game isn't all that slow honestly, i don't see why people say that. The only time its ever slow is when people camp. Other than that the ttk is relatively fast. Its plenty competitive already. The nerfs have made the skill gap further, because the ttk is longer it requires you to land you shots more accurately. Instead of only having to land 2 shots you have to land 4 shots now. If you miss once and your opponent doesn't they're -blam!-ed. I doubt they will, if snipers get increased flinch people wont complain. No one complains about getting domed in the head, that should be a ohk. People complain about body shot primary. People complain about double shot, which is why i said damage reduction is debatable. Nope, the flinch is just non existent. A perfect example would be how mida use to make snipers flinch nasty, but then streamers complained about it and bungie got read of it. Mida was the perfect weapon against snipers, but bungie ruined it.
The thing is, yeah gunfights are longer and u get to see who has better gunskill. The thing is, u rarely ever get a 1v1. The majority of the time, If a player is about to lose their gunfight, they run away for cover. They can get away most of the time because ttk is slow. The ttk before was faster and still allowed for gunskill to take place. Thorn, tlw, and hawkmoon needed nerfs. Hand cannons were fine except for those. Ttk besides those weapons were fine, instead of jus nerfing those guns, they nerfed everything as a whole.
U must not play sweats then, watch the upcoming tournament on ps4. I guarantee u it will be mostly shotgunners. In trials, u do see alot of snipers but the very elite mainly shotgun. As a top player who does sweats and is ranked highly in alot of playlists. I can tell u from experience. When u come across the best players in the world, they mainly shotgun. Anyways ur idea of top tier pvp may differ from mine then but ya I'm going off of players who are widely known to be the best players. I go off what I see in tournaments and sweats.
Play sweats. Shotguns and snipers, it all depends on your opponents. I guarantee you it'll be mostly snipers. most likely it'll be the uni/sniper combo. As a top player who plays sweats and is ranked highly i can tell you from experience that the elite use snipers.
Lol look at luminosity, anbu, Eklipsx, poshy, gabe, warbulletproof, rojo, aztemp, sir demetrius, otf, purechill, cue cue. Yes everyone can snipe but the majority shotgun. Like I said, snipers feel op because they don't have much competition. U really think nerfing them is the answer? This game has suffered enough nerfs. Alot of what the top players preach is buffing primaries. None of these name I just listed will say that we should nerf snipers. I use these names because they have won multiple tourneys and are well known in the pvp community. Anyways, this game needs buffs, nerfs will only make the game worse.
Lumi and demetrius snipes as well, then you got zombalomb, kj, triple, headshots, pups, kampl, silent snipes, lil sonic, danielac, rambo, macm, krafty and many more. Id say the majority snipe. Yes, nerfing the snipers is the answer. If you nerf snipers you'll essentially be buffing primaries, if they increase flinch on snipers best believe you'll see more people rocking their primaries. They don't want to nerf snipers because its what they majority of top players use.
As I said before, yes they all can snipe, but they mainly shotgun. Luminosity is known for being the best shadestep shotty in the game. Sir demetrius is jus all around good player. Anyways just watch the tournament coming up, the majority will be using hand cannons with a shotgun. U will have a few teams rocking one sniper. The majority of games will be players using shotguns. Let's wait and see who's right. After the tourney we can go from there.
And the guys I mentioned mainly snipe. Hmmm thats only because he streams, there are far better shadestep shottys in the game than him. See but if snipers get used more in this tourney or shotguns, it doesn't matter because it is just this one sample. Overall, if you look at the numbers snipers are the most used weapons in the game.
Yes but my point is, at the elite level, Shotguns are the most used. The tourney will have alot of the best players in the world. I can bet u anything it will be mostly shotgunners. Looking at old tourneys as well as doing sweats, the majority run shotty. Watch twitch and u will see teams practicing and they are mainly running shotty.
They mostly use snipers though. guarantee you they'll have snipers.
Yes teams will have snipers but the amount of shotgunners will outnumber the snipers. Most teams run 1 snipe. 2 shottys. Or jus 3 shottys.