Mida multi tool
Control the zones!
The iron banner [spoiler]I'm very creative[/spoiler]
Lag and Specials
Servers are shit
Fun with friends
Joining Game Inprogress
Capture the points.
Please stop complaining.
Skilled based matchmaking
no NO [b]NOO[/b]
Kill. Conquer. Repeat
Wrong effing button
Incompetence. Incompetence everywhere!
Really f*cking fun (when connections are alright that is)
Laggy grind fest
What. The. Fook.
Legacys last one...
Rank 5 already. 335 Finnala, yay! Other characters now.
The monthly grind Its pretty fun too
Sweaty camp site
A awesome time ^_^
I'm already bored
shoulder charge goats [spoiler]they think they can survive but nothing survives the knee of death[/spoiler]
Panic Supers Everywhere
Still no pulse [spoiler]rifle drop.[/spoiler]