I was one of the first people to go flawless in year one. I am not saying I was number 1 but I was there the first day of release. So basically I have no idea what some people are feeling not being able to go to the lighthouses After so many tries.
After going flawless a few times myself, I am starting to feel everyone should go at least once. Bungie, you should scan people's accounts for zero flawless and grant them a one time boon per week until they go flawless. This boon should allow up to 2 mercys per run. Including the other three boons.
Once they go flawless they will no longer receive this boon. I'm passed the " earn your light house" front. TOO has changed so much since release. You have cheaters, pro level carries and just really good teams. It's nearly impossible for the super casuals. 1 time flawless won't hurt. I have helped many go flawless that I feel have no business going but it feels good hearing their happiness. Never charged , never asked for anything. Just helped. I'm average but a damn good average. I am a rusher cause it fits my personality. I lose patience waiting with sniper at spawn so I prefer rushing. I tried to keep my kd 1.6+ but gave up a long time ago. Now I play trials for fun. See you in Y3 trials. Peace.
Auto correct failed me yet again.
Patience vs patients
Nah, you "earn" your lighthouse visit no need to be made than it already is.