Would you go back and change your name if you could?
Have any of you had your name legally changed?
P.S. You don't need to share your name if you don't feel comfortable doing that.
Feck yeah. Benjamin. Big Ben
I go by my middle name, Mitchell, but I'd rather go by my first name, James.
It's better than what they would've named me - Victor But then again that might've been a cool name for me who knows!
Hansel, I'm fine with it.
James is pretty cool.
I was going to be named Troy by my mom after Troy Aikman but everyone else was against it. I wish I was named Troy :(
It's Juan. I can't really say I love it or hate it. It's just there
I do. My first name was chosen by my (late) dad who named me after my grandfather. He was a good man. Generous, wise, strategic, [i]cripplingly[/i] funny. Couldn't be more proud of my name IRL if I tried. My muse, however? That was a drunken slur my sister spouted at me after I tripped over my own feet. "You complete and utter...DOMWOMPY!!" That was 8 years ago. Needless to say, it stuck.
I do, except when people call me dick.
No, I'd like to change my name to "Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorffvoralternwarengewissenhaftschaferswesenchafewarenwholgepflegeundsorgfaltigkeitbeschutzenvonangereifenduchihrraubgiriigfeindewelchevorralternzwolftausendjahresvorandieerscheinenbanderersteerdeemmeshedrraumschiffgebrauchlichtalsseinursprungvonkraftgestartseinlangefahrthinzwischensternartigraumaufdersuchenachdiesternwelshegehabtbewohnbarplanetenkreisedrehensichundwohinderneurassevanverstandigmenshlichkeittkonntevortpflanzenundsicherfreunanlebenslamdlichfreudeundruhemitnichteinfurchtvorangreifenvonandererintlligentgeschopfsvonhinzwischensternartigraum”
Christopher isn't a bad name at all. Though it's weird whenever someone who isn't my mom calls me Christopher.
No not really, but most people know me by my GT so my name online is basically Lilium and my last name Tenebrae. [spoiler]It gets weird when someone calls me Mr. Tenebrae.[/spoiler] [spoiler]My birth name is Kaleb by the way.[/spoiler]
Ryan is a good name :p
Nah I like my name
I used to not like it, but now I love it and I think it sounds pretty
I like my name. "Parker" is a fairly uncommon name.
No, just got it changed
I guess
Not particularly as its a unisex name with more feminine connotations.
Edited by Commander Cody: 7/19/2016 4:01:04 PMMy family gave me, a male child, a feminine name. [spoiler]Aleksi[/spoiler]
I like the name Kyle, sure.
I don't particularly dislike mine, but I wouldn't mind having a badass 70's porn name like Peter North or Tommy Salami.
Meh it's OK [spoiler]and no IDC enough to change it[/spoiler]