I just don't understand! He's better than Hitlery Clinton and there really isn't any one else out there. Plus his ideas are pretty ok 👌🤑👍 it's just that people dont like them. rnexico doesn't want that wall built (even though they built one in Guatemala😏) illegals don't want to be jailed or put back in their country. It's just so...Stupid! I'm in Wisconsin for vacation and watched the news at a hotel and they were talking about clinton supporters going 1 on 1 with people like churches!
Hillary is the only F not fit to be president
Edit: forgot the Email in female.
Because the media tells them to
Why do Trump hate people
Because he's opinionated and often comes off as racist, even if he isn't that's the vibe we get from him. That being said that's still not as bad as allowing soldiers and an ambassador to die for financial gain but only slightly.
Either a criminal (Hilary) or a person with little to no political background...
People hate Trump because anyone with a functioning brain will know that his policies just don't hold up. Also the guy ropes in voters by lying constantly (and I mean CONSTANTLY), fear mongering, and by using hyperboles along with simplistic language. He has you fooled. Dont be another blind sheep moving into the herd.