Please make the D-Pad completely customizable. I have seen a lot of post asking for this to happen. I think it's a great idea!
It would be nice to be able to use the D-Pad to use:
Any ammo synthesis
Three of Coins
Reputation Boosters
- Destiny Community
Edit: A lot of people liking this idea, let's get it trending!
Edit: At the bottom of the trending list let's keep it going!
I was posting about this in the first week of Destiny (and have done so about 6 times since). My thoughts: The Up Button should cycle through Primary Weapons The Right Button should cycle through Special Weapons The Down Button should cycle through Heavy Weapons The Left Button should cycle through sub classes
D-pad to activate lag switch
At very least be able to apply 4 different emotes of your choosing. Bungie wants you to spend money on Silver/Emotes, but will only let you use one at a time. What excellent logic.
This is a good idea. Why not?
Toggle freaking flashlight.
Bump again
Amazing idea. Bump.
Great idea :) but i think it would be great if you can customize all butons. For example: A/X (XBox/PS) for jump or crouch or reload.... RB/R1 for crouch or jump or melee.... The button layout there are in the game, are for the most people not that layout they really want. I think, it wouldn't be a big problem to bring that option in the game.
Yay, a post that give ideas how to make this game better! Sadly they're quite rare these days. Bump
Agreed. BumPage for awesome ideas.