I had a chance to test her out in the PTR last night. She's pretty fun to play, but she's kind of underpowered. Her rifle doesn't deal much damage and it doesn't heal much either. She seems more of a mid range fighter like Hanzo than a truly long range sniper like Widowmaker. Ana's grenade is pretty good. It heals allies and increases other healing sources as well as damaging enemies and temporarily preventing them from healing. Her tranquilizer is also pretty useful, giving Ana a chance to escape a pursuer or make an enemy vulnerable to attacks. Her ultimate is pretty great. It buffs one of your allies, increasing their movement speed, damage, and making them harder to kill. Put it on a tank and they're sure to destroy the enemy team.
Overall, I think she's a good addition, but feels a bit weak. Especially now that Zenyatta is going to be buffed, he'll fill the role of a long range healer better than Ana.
Edited by sharp-shooter299: 7/15/2016 8:42:05 PMTfw people think she'll be the least used support but seagull thinks she'll be an important character when playing comp/tourneys
She looks like she sells potatoes for a very modest price
Just another character to add to my overwatch fap folder.
When is she on Xbox one?
The sleep dart is the only ability that kinda interests me honestly
Finally, an old milf!
Edited by Psychic Donuts: 7/13/2016 10:30:55 PMShe is the most boring character yet.
People still play Overwatch? :)
Useless. Zenyatta outshines her in every way with his new buff. A sniper without a vertical movement ability that deals 80 damage across the map...? Wow what a meta-changing character huh
I played a few games with her on the PTR yesterday. Awesome. Her damage is pretty crap but her heals are decent and sleeper dart is amazing. Watching a Genji get all excited with his little sword after he ults and putting him to sleep is hilarious. Same with Bastion that's guarding a point. Put him to sleep and have him sit there while our Reaper casually walked over, many giggles were had. Her ult is also a ton of fun. Fire it at a Genji or Pharah that's about to ult and watch them melt the opposite team. It renders Reinhardts shield practically useless against ults, they just melt it.
Is gud
She seems interesting. I like playing as support, especially as healers.
Need to try her first before I can form an objective oppinion.
What makes a great Overwatch character (ladies edition) 1. She is actually useful when playing 2. Could possibly solo carry the match And 3. You guys should know this already (insert Lenny)
I love her
Better be able to "counter" Bastion.
She holds the sniper right-handed, but has to look through it with her left eye. That has got to be uncomfortable.
She looks like she'll probably be the hardest to use char in the game
I think a support sniper is an interesting design. Can't wait to see her in action. I'm a bit surprised they introduced a character with such a direct connection to another character, though.
Love her design. When reading her abilities it sounds OP but in game It's surprisingly balanced. I love that she can't crit-shot or deal massive damage. 80 damage is pretty good, she's a support first and supports shouldn't be killing as much as healing. It's good that she won't be able to easily outshine a widowmaker as her more versatile kit would make widowmaker obsolete if that were the case. 80 points of near instant healing administered from long ranges. It's not a constant supply of health like the others, but it's enough to save somebody in the heat of the battle (essentially a long-range health pack). Again I find this to be good, as she shouldn't outheal The others consistently but rather she should be able to easily save peop when need-be. Her grenade is a godsend, especially if you combine it with a Lucio or mercy healing the whole team. It will also make pushing objectives easier as you could shut down the enemy healers for a short time. Sleep dart similarly is a great tool, but requires good coordination to use effectively. All in all, I find her to actually be incredibly balanced, and I love how she is so far changing the meta up. She require a a bit more skill to use effectively, but in the right hands, with good team coordination, she's a great addition.
Edited by Vizard: 7/13/2016 8:19:06 PMShe looks like a destiny hunter, I like that shit. [spoiler] I bet her Hentai will be OP 😉[/spoiler]
Not enough tight fitting clothes
This is kind of off topic, but you mentioned a zendyetta buff. Any other balance changes coming?
That bring to sleep ability tho. Haven't played myself yet, work has been effin busy when new character releases
Can't wait to play her. I main support roles and its really nice to get another one.
Ana is the true Overwatch mom we deserve. Anyways, yeah. She's kinda underpowered, especially next to the newly buffed characters.