1. If can only fire twice because the sun is used up after both shots.
2. It can't move, it's a goddamn planet, not a spaceship.
3. Too. Damn. Vulnerable.
4. I'm sure the cost of the thing was at least twice it costed to build the two Death Stars.
5. Death Star was better in every way...except for that damn ventilation...
[quote]1. If can only fire twice because the sun is used up after both shots. 2. It can't move, it's a goddamn planet, not a spaceship. 3. Too. Damn. Vulnerable. 4. I'm sure the cost of the thing was at least twice it costed to build the two Death Stars. 5. Death Star was better in every way...except for that damn ventilation...[/quote] 1. Starkiller base could move, just like the Death Star and could therefore find new stars. 2. It can move. 3. It had a fractional refreshrate shield which should've killed entering without the correct coordinates. Without Finn it would've been impenetrable. 4. Probably. 5. Well not really since the Death Star destroyed one planet at a time and Starkiller base destroyed an entire fleet and like 10 planets in one shot.