I'm so freaking triggered I was in trials and my hole team got collateralized! ! This is garbage!!! It was my 4-2 game, I was about to go the lithoose! WTF bungie??? Nerf snipers now! Make them not be able to one shot headshot this is garbagee!! ):
Snipers don't need nerf because it normally would take 2 body shots to kill a person in normal crucible and 1 headshot if you actually learn how to use snipers you wouldn't want a nerf
Edited by XMalakhX: 7/11/2016 7:36:30 PMI feel like if bungie ever did nerf snipers it would go about the same way they nerf shotguns... They remove all high impact snipers. Only the low ones like Weylorans March archetype would exist. So to prevent rez sniping. Only to completely remove overshields on respawn. So you can rez snipe. Pretty much like what they did with shotguns. Oh let's make their falloff more dramatic.... proceeds to come out with even higher impact shotguns (party crasher , felwinters). Lmao. I mean, I don't even wonder anymore if these guys are competent. They arent. They just arent.
Edited by Daedalus: 7/11/2016 7:29:52 PMOption 1: quit Destiny Option 2: don't stand in a line Edit: just noticed the satire tag
You could go play a real pvp game and leave this pve game alone.
Your team will get collateralized anyway. The lithoose isn't anything to be proud of. [spoiler]It just shows how much sweat you can fit in a container. [/spoiler]
Edited by Ricky: 7/11/2016 6:58:08 PMNerf yourself Koffee