Edit: Xbox users and those that are otherwise unfamiliar with Playstation apps, I'll address the confusion now since it keeps cropping up and help save some time. You're looking at a message as it is viewed on the Playstation mobile messenger app. It looks similar to Facebook messenger, but it is an extention of the psn mobile app.
So I just finished up a match where I was using The First Curse to complete the handcannon kills part of shaxx's quest line, and shortly after the match is over I receive this lovely piece of mail in my inbox.
I am left in a state of bewilderment, as I am not quite prepared on how to handle this. I honestly thought I'd never live to see this day come.
Edit 2: Apparently some are unable to view the image so here is the content:
Butthurt stranger: scrub
Me: lol what?
Butthurt stranger: you heard me. Keep using your op meta gun. You're trash.
Me: lmao you gotta be kidding me. First curse isn't op OR meta. Bye.
Butthurt stranger: you're garbage[/quote]
I love hate mail, keeps me going.
At least he used you're correctly.
I've been killed with each exotic in the game by people who use them an the curse its meant 2 be a powerful gun its a hand cannon I say use it bro but if you use the mida or sniper I'll call you a puss but I won't call you a puss for useing the first curse
I'm impressed they actually used "you're" correctly.
What? I never get legit hatemail. Not even back in Y1 when I abused the hell out of Thorn and TLW. I got hatemail a few weeks ago, hours after I logged off. It was someone I'd played a game of Rumble with who said something along the lines of, "A shotgun will only get you so far quit using Universal Remote." I wasn't using Universal Remote. He sent hatemail to the wrong guy. -_-
Some dork in PoE called me a retard because I was Last Guardian Standing, had to neutralize my own mine, but didn't get to the mine he was supposed to neutralize (but died instead). Should've told him to go suck off a Dreg or something of that nature.
Edited by Sturm with no Drang: 7/11/2016 2:17:39 PMDamn son. Where'd you find this? [spoiler]Seriously though, First Curse? He was whining and being salty over First Curse? I bet he believes that The Last Word is underpowered because he isn't netting a positive k/d spread on his games. *audible facepalm*[/spoiler]
Imprecation OP. Bungie, plz nerf.
[quote]So I just finished up a match where I was using The First Curse to complete the handcannon kills part of shaxx's quest line, and shortly after the match is over I receive this lovely piece of mail in my inbox. I am left in a state of bewilderment, as I am not quite prepared on how to handle this. I honestly thought I'd never live to see this day come.[/quote] Not prepared to handle online trolling..? Should've called him trash, talk shit get shit :)
wow... hard to imagine anyone thinking First Curse is op/scrubby - aiming and timing are so key you are easy pickings if you don't One of my favorite guns, I suffer for it some times but enjoy it a lot when I'm having a good day
Omg that's gold
My hope he was just trolling. Either way he really does not understand what he is talking about.
Think of getting ignorant hate mail as an achievement. I'm still working on mine.
Wow. Just out of curiosity, do you remember what weapons he was using?
Whenever someone calls me garbage, I remember an episode of South Park (jersey Shore one) and call the muff cabbage
Got to use First Curse more often now. Thanks for the new meta update!
I got hate for using chaperone once with a defender. That was a good day!
That's actually kind of funny to be honest
That's when you ignore or just respond with an overly pleasant tone such as "oh thank you so much for your gracious words" or "you do not know how greatful I am to be praised by someone of your caliber" or "I can't believe that you would take your valuable time to speak such kind words, thank so much, truly I cannot thank you enough." Things like this work better than we realize.
Who cares. You can't fix stupid people.
Hey if you do good with a weapon then it is an op meta weapon.
>Handcannons >Meta This isn't House of Wolves. [spoiler]>MAY-MAY Arrows[/spoiler]
Got one from someone after we destroyed them 5-1 in regular elimination, i had almost every kill and only used an imago loop with relentless tracker, hand loaded and third eye. Him:"You suck lol" Me:"How so, by beating you with an imago?" Him:"Two people dude your team sucks" Me:"I had almost all the total kills, you lost every gunfight." Him:"I sniped every gunfight" Me:"Snipers are easier to use then a primary." He then invited me to a party, and for my sake I wanted confirmation this was a child. It was. He and his two other friends proceeded to say that snipers took the most skill(which they dont) and that I was a fat piece of shit that couldn't get a job at gamestop and that i should kill myself. This is the future generation coming out. I'm 19 and know that isn't how you talk to someone, much less over a video game where the objective is to win.
Don't you know that anything that kills you is op and meta in this game?
Lol. Meta op gun...lmfao. [spoiler]Still laughing[/spoiler]
I got hate for using Fang of Ir Yut