[url=http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/08/us/3-dallas-officers-killed-at-protest-over-police-shootings.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share]An Article[/url]
This Happened in my city.
I am disgusted. I am litterally sick to my stomach. I can't even. I just can't even!! But you made one mistake BLM. You made [b][i][u]ONE MISTAKE DEMOCRATS[/u][/i][/b]
You messed with Texas.
Eayyyy shit faces.
You're a moron. BLM supporters don't even know what to classify themselves as. They're just as idiotic as you and only see democrat and republican; literal and conservative. BLM is more an anarchist movement than a liberal movement; it's not even on the same political scale. They rebel against law enforcement because they feel targeted. Obviously, crime statistics don't lie, black people are much higher on the crime chart than any other ethnicity. Not only that, black people like to antagonize and other people and don't cooperate, which isn't racist, it's also a statistic. It's pretty shitty that black people are targeted by law enforcement, but they aren't doing anything to change it. In the mean time, police officers are only doing their job to prevent crime and remove criminals from the street. And then when a routine stop goes awry, 9/10 times is because the officer was dealing with someone very unruly. But I rambled, point is, democrat is an incorrect term, anarchist is far more appropriate.