[url=http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/14/bill-nye-open-criminal-charges-jail-time-climate-c/]This fool wants to imprison climate change skeptics![/url] [b]You call me crazy?!?[/b] Your high priest of science wants to strip fellow human beings of their basic rights, just because they have the balls to call the shoddy environmental sciences into question! [u][b]Find me this fool and I will debate him![/b] [/u] He can have the first and last word! I will tear him apart, limb from limb, starting with [i]"climate change"[/i] and ending with round earth and the [i]"experimental method"[/i] itself!
How [i]can[/i] you even support much less[i] like [/i]this fool? Even you with your "rounded" wisdom will have a day of reckoning when the neo-liberals come to call. Doubt their wisdom? Get ready for prison...
[b][i][u]Open your minds before its too late!!![/u][/i][/b]