You shouldn't be running into "bad players" if they are so bad. It's just a different way to snipe. Just uhhhhhhhh. Why are we punishing the BAD players anyway!?
Because literally every player of every variety are attaching themselves to snipers using them as a crutch to make up for lack of skill. So why would players do this? If sniping was hard or took skill wouldn't it make sense to find a better weapon? Well guess what? Snipers is crutch weapon type now because of the lack skill to use it, so how do you fix this? Add skill add penalties add things to sniper instead of make hit boxes smaller or lowering all their stats or ruining even more perks.
(Sigh) you must have had a bad week with snipers. If someone is hitting consistent head shots on you, he isn't some non skilled person, sniping requires good playstyle being passive you can't just pick up a sniper and magically be hitting headshots and hit montage clips. Dude sniping isn't as easy as you think it is. And what is NON skilled to you? That just sounds like the average salt from the average player