originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]In the Dojo, Ornstein waits, ready to kick Royal's disrespectful ass back to Soviet Russia.[/i]
[spoiler]For Royal, lol[/spoiler]
[b]Royal steps through a shadow portal and walks up to you [/b]
[i]The knight draws his spear and swings it to his side, waiting.[/i]
"Good to see you Orn." [b]Royal draws his sword [/b]
"Hey." [i]The knight waits.[/i]
[b]Royal stabs his sword into the ground [/b] "So. Am I fighting you or the god himself?"
"Meh, whoever you like. He wants the booty, so..."
"Tell him to come get it"
"Alright." [i]Ornstein leaves. There's a significant amount of darkness rising from the ground... [/i]
[b]Royal pulls his sword out of the ground [/b] "You wished for the booty. I wish to know why."
"[u]Swiggity Swooty...[/u] [i]Manus bursts from the ground.[/i] [u]I'm coming for dat booty.[/u]
[b]Royal makes a Lenny face [/b]
*Your face gets blown up. NO LENNY*
[i]Manus grabs you.[/i] [u]"You're mine now, baby."[/u]
[b]Royal seems to melt and disappears [/b]
[u]Damn. If that's how it's gonna be...[/u] [i]A dark aura starts to surround the god.[/i]
[b]Royal emerges from the ground. He is now the same size as Manus [/b] "You're not the only God around here." [spoiler]more on that during the quest [/spoiler]
[u]Meh. Alright.[/u] [i]Manus starts slowly moving forward, his several red eyes filled with evil. Like, Y'know, evil. Just evil. EVILLLL.[/i]
[i]Evilllll my ass [/i] [b]Royal raises his fists [/b] "I'll fist you."
[i]EVILLLLLLLLLLL[/i] [u]"You'll like what I do to you. Don't worry."[/u] [i]He laughs a little.[/i]
"Oh? Show me what you got."
[b]Manus launches himself at you at supposing speed, shoving his sharp staff into your stomach. He then grabs your right arm with is free hand, crushing it..[/b]
[b]With Royal's left hand, he punches into Manus' rib cage, snapping most of them. A dagger falls through his sleeve and Royal immediately stabs into Manus' shoulder, making Manus' right arm unusable [/b]
[i]As you stab into him, Abyss darkness begins to seep into your arm, changing and crushing it.[/i] [i]Manus, in his fury, completely crushes your right arm and grabs your head, slamming you into the ground. Some dark, rotted ribs are sticking out of his chest, as black blood and darkness pour out.[/i]
[b]With my free hand, I wrap it around Manus' legs and pull, causing him to fall over [/b]
[i]The god falls back, but rolls away from you, shaking his right arm around.[/i] [u]"Huh."[/u] [i]His right arm suddenly drops his spiked staff, which sinks into the ground.[/i]