My level 60 (Yes the low number of 60!) Is literally Invincible in FO4 (i am playing on survival) and can murder ANYTHING (you name it, i can kill it) with ease
Tell me to do something (or something that you think will kill my character)
Base Game
PS4 (so no mods)
20 death claws ,naked with only a normal combat knife.
I wish I was a badass like you
Fight a deathclaw with no clothes, just fists, and no using stims.
Kîll Liberty prime... With your fists.
Eat your own head
Try and get the pie from the port-a-diner. Doing that is harder than killing a legendary deathclaw, I swear.
I just hit lvl 144 in FO4 on ps4. But I've just been taking it easy on very hard, thinking about bumping it up to survival though.
Edited by The Albraskan: 7/5/2016 5:25:29 PMGo out in the Glowing Sea without anything equipped and go kill stuff with your fist in Survival mode. Nevermind someone suggested that. But still try it on survival mode.
Edited by Pepe Silvia: 7/5/2016 5:01:52 PMKill all of the BOS with your fists only. No armor, drugs, nothing.
Murder Preston garvey
Attack liberty prime (assuming you got the BoS ending)
Liberty prime
Jump off a really high place
Go to war with the brotherhood, you can only be naked and only use Molotov cocktails, and fists.
Jump off of the prydwyn without power armor [spoiler]and don't give me any of that "landing in the water" crap[/spoiler]
'another settlement needs your help'
Romance Sheffield or skrub.
Explore the Glowing Sea. No power armor No rad suit No rad away
Find and kill a Mythic Deathclaw with an unupgraded baseball bat
open the console and insert tgm....oh waaait....
Kill a mythic deathclaw with a base pipe bolt pistol (but you don't get any ammo). Also you're only allowed to wear a sequin dress and mascot head.
Pick up a cone and throw it at someone.
Find the biggest source of enemies possible and fight them in a trechcoat and gas mask using only artillery markers.
It's literally impossible to not become invincible in that game.
Ship breaker unarmed [spoiler]bet you won't [/spoiler]
Tell me you soec