Completely agree. A sniper should not be able to kill someone close range while they are getting shot. The problem is aim assist. I have done it myself. Im getting shot in the head from an auto rifle close range and I will just zoom in and bam, headshot. I do not want to add descoping though. Just add more flinch and get rid of aim assist.
Sniper rifle will _always_ have more power behind a round than an auto-rifle. Longer barrel.
That's true. But snipers shouldn't be able to handle so well. Go and test out switch times you'll see what I'm talking about.
Edited by Dagoth Vizar: 7/5/2016 9:01:16 PMI don't find switch times any better than any other weapon. Some sniper rifles have perks for fast swap/aim. So if that perk is on, and it swaps/aims faster, so be it-- the person has a slight, if intended, advantage. Instead of whining, I chose to adapt, improvise, or overcome as necessary to the best of my ability.
Edited by Atlas: 7/5/2016 11:38:05 PMI've never whined about a nerf before or a weapon ever. (Ok the twilight garrison thing) but regardless I don't cry nerf. I provide fair points and I ve always adapted to the meta or adjusted my play style to fit the meta. But seeing how little skill it takes to use snipers is ridiculous.
Edited by Dagoth Vizar: 7/6/2016 1:28:48 PMI didn't say you did. I was speaking for myself. Quote: "Instead of whining, _I_ chose to..." Your opininion that it takes little skill to use the sniper rifle is erroneous. Period. Contrary to what you believe, it is much harder than it looks to get that up close personal kill with a sniper rifle. If there is any simplicity to it, then it's the same for all weapons-- put the center of your screen on the body mass of the target and pull the trigger. Period. It could be, that if a significant part of the forum whiners would stop whining about things that have no relevance as an attempt to compensate for their own inability to adapt, improvise, or overcome, the developers could work on bug fixes, increased story continuity, better gear, armor, and perks.
Edited by Atlas: 7/6/2016 4:10:57 PMI definitely agree with that. People complaining about imbalances because they don't like to adapt does create a lot more issues then it solves. Maybe this post is a by product of those people. But like I said previous I have no intention to stop adjusting to the game that's a part of destiny evolving. But I do think snipers still hinder that in a way. The way you talk about it having skill I simply don't see it. Personally I don't like snipers in games but when I did experiments with the snipers in destiny things felt so simple and easy then I tested out AA compared switching speeds and this body shot spamming etc. None of it was fair all I did was eat up shots and not get recoiled for it. Literally nothing at all. Not a single penalty.
Play ten games using only snipers for every situation and encounter. No matter what. Post carnage reports. Play ten games using all your best gear and strategy. Post carnage reports Make a comparison of them Then shut up. The only thing that takes more skill to kill with than snipers are handcannons for their slow RoF and ammo count, and pulse rifles because you have to reacquire your target after every single burst. All these weapons reward quick thinking and agile fingers, not spontaneous action based on no decision making whatsoever. Sometimes crazy shit happens though, and that's just life. What part of reality in all of creation has ever been fair? Honestly..
That only makes my point. Your experience is unique to you and should not be an impetus for an embargo against sniper rifles just because a _few_ people are successfully using them in a non-conventional way. They adapted, they improvised, they overcame. If we reduce this game to the level of people who cannot think outside the box, it will no longer be worth playing.