sunbreaker to lord shaxx
SB: sir I know you made me get the hammer of sol but my fire isn't as hot as it used to be.
LS: well titan, what did you do
SB: sir I was eating some tacos and put sour cream on them
LS: ahhh well that's the problem remember titan your fire is stoked from within.
SB: so....
LS: *gives titan a ghost pepper* here son, eat this then get back into the crucible
SB:yes sir, *swallows pepper* then goes back to crucible*
LS:*to himself* I hope he waits 30 min before his ghost revives him... o well.
SB: mmm that pepper was yummy *stomach gurgles* ooo that don't feel right *spawns inside pantheon map. imam just go into this corner here next to zone "A" for a min. *explosive fart* I feel better (hope no one heard that)
NH(nightstalker hunter) I see a titan imma kill him. *charges after SB titan* pulls out shotgun rounds corner and dies
NH: to ghost. wtf happened? scanning... there appears to be some sort of gaseous cloud orbiting where you died. its emitting a strange odor...
thus is born the explosive fart
Oh my gosh, I cant breathe! I'm litterally laughing to death.
EXPLOSIVE FART STRIKES AGAIN...oooo that's another perk. upon killing a guardian with explosive fart said dead guardian emits another exploding fart. exploding fart lasts for 10 sec...