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Edited by V: 7/1/2016 12:24:22 AM

Snipers do not need a nerf. Many of your points are quite wrong, and invalid. 1. You claim that AA "aims for the person". This is 100% incorrect. On a sniper, AA only increases the amount of time your reticle, which is the circle in the middle of your scope, stays on a targets head when you drag your scope across it. AA doesn't aim, it merely slows down one's reticle when it is on a targets head. 2. You claim that all snipers 2 shot. This is, once again, incorrect. A sniper with a 43/10 RoF to Impact ratio is unable to 2 shot body shot. 3. You claim that snipers have "no recoil for being shot". This is, once again, 100% incorrect. The flinch factor on snipers has increased since Year 1, and it is harder to hit shots when under fire than ever. 4. You claim that snipers are "extremely easy to handle". This is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. Snipers take a lot of practice and an EXTREME amount of skill to use effectively. No one can pick up a sniper for the first time, and hit all shots without missing. In a game like Destiny, where the maps are, for the majority, small and all engagements are close quarters. With the increase to scope zoom, snipers are incredibly difficult to use. 5. You claim that snipers "turn our favorite game modes into who is the better sniper/dodger". Snipers are not even the dominant weapon type. In Rumble, 6's, and 3's, shotguns are used way more than snipers are. Shotguns are still extremely prominent in the Crucible, and if you look at many of the top tier streamers, such as the LAB, Wish You Luck, Lumi, and countless others, they use shotguns. Not snipers, shotguns. Snipers do not need a nerf in any capacity. Snipers are currently the hardest to use since they've ever been, and if you keep getting destroyed by a sniper, they deserve to beat you. They are the better player and have invested more time to learn a weapon that actually takes skill to use, and deserve to perform well. Finally, you should not be complaining about a weapon class when you: 1. Have only 32 kills in that weapon class. 2. Aren't a top tier player who has mastered all the specials and can unbiasedly talk about each one.

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