all guns in destiny have insane aim assist, even shotguns. you hand a sniper to a bad player and guess what, they are still a bad player. it doesn't magically get you kills. they are not overpowered like thorn was.
I think other specials should be buffed, not have snipers nerfed. People should stop taking to the forums and complaining about what they want nerfed/changed.
Also, with no account linked hiding your characters/stats why should anyone debate with you?
I'm a bad player and rarely use snipers. I decided to break out an LDR with crazy perks and stats yesterday in Iron banner. I consistently got 6 to seven kills a game (I almost exclusively use primaries). One game I was just pulling up and blindly firing and I got five head shots. One of the head shots was on an a hunter who popped his super and went invisible before he came around the corner! Now with all of that being said, I do not believe they should be nerfed. Yes, it's easy to pull off crazy shots with them. But, they are also the hardest weapon to master in the game.
Uh my account is linked friend. But even if it wasn't why does my stats matter? I have over 40 days in destiny 20 of those spent in crucible safe to say I've been around the block. Also what special should be nerf? No one wants nerf even I don't want nerfs, I want mechanics in destiny that award good snipers and punish bad ones. If your a good sniper you should have nothing to worry about if a moving reticle was added or if the only way to get a solid kill with a sniper is a head shot.
Edited by DankZaku: 6/30/2016 9:15:03 PM[quote]Uh my account is linked friend. But even if it wasn't why does my stats matter?.[/quote] It does when you are calling for a nerf. It shows you have no characters on this account. Your stats matter when you call for a nerf. Why can't people see what weapons you use? [quote]Also what special should be nerf? No one wants nerf even I don't want nerfs[/quote] Are you serious? Your thread title says "Snipers need a nerf and I will happily debate anyone who disagrees" You are the one calling for nerfs.
Edited by Atlas: 6/30/2016 9:18:53 PMDid you read my post? I admit I put a edgy title in order to get attention but my points where well worded and I don't think you've read them. Also do you see what I said in my previous comment? You've added nothing to this conversation but cry fowl?
You weapon stats clearly show why you want sniper rifles changed.
Also please delete that post I feel like it is violation of privacy and it makes me feel uncomfortable, I have no issue debating but I do deserver respect and common decency.
Destiny tracker is open to the public. If you are going to come here and ask for nerfs and changes be prepared for people to see what you use and why you want something nerfed. No privacy was invaded, video games stats are public.
That's fine but your not looking up my stats to see your using them as a way to slander my debate without addressing. Look it's a video game it just makes me uncomfortable is someone ability to feel comfortable less important then someone who can't address the issues I have listed?
Dude my debate shows why I want snipers changed and you've yet to argue any of my points?