I'm looking for people that are really wanting to raid but haven't given it a try yet or maybe have only seen parts of the raid.
I just recently swapped from ps4 to Xbox one and have a few friends that are basically blind to how any of the raids work. Over the next few weeks I was hoping to sherpa them thru normal mode a few times and then start trying to go thru hard mode.
Is there anyone else that is new to the raid for whatever reason and would be up for joining in? Hoping to maybe get a decent group that will learn to work together so when the Rise of Iron raid is released we can go in blind and beat our heads against the wall trying to figure it out lol.
I could care less your skill level or if u are only at 290 light, those can be improved. The only requirements I have would be:
-Have a mic
-Be very patient
-Be able to comprehend basic instructions (I know this sounds juvenile but u would be amazed at what u run into with an LFG post)
-Be VERY CHILL and have a good sense of humor so we can have a good time
-NO RAGING of any kind (u will be kicked immediately)
My time zone is Cst and usually play at night between 9:00pm and 2:00am.
Just simply reply here or send me a message with ur gamer tag and either how far u have been in the raid or why u have yet to give it a try. I will add and get with u a good bit before hand to see if u are available. Looking to start a run sometime this weekend (July 1st-3rd) not exactly sure when yet though.
I have no mic and I want to do the hard mode kings fall so badly. Im 328 too
I dunno, sounds kinda hard tho.
Invite - stainingberry17
I'm down for a hard mode, I've beaten normal a few times but never hard mode all the way
Gt is same as above on xb1
I've had enough pvp shit show as I main pvp mostly. Never managed to complete the raid cuz no one wanna deal with oryx. But now I actually do want cuz I need some infusing materials
Yeah count me in! Done my first and only KF on hard mode (carried a little bit lol) I would love to go in again :) add me on ps4 (UK timezone)
I'd be up for it, GT is the same as above