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Edited by RedKnight2275: 6/26/2016 6:08:03 PM

Universal Remote perk does not proc (with short story)

A little bit about my game play before I talk about the issue. I typically play as a shotgun rusher. My "go to" is Dierdris's Retort. I know the range for a OHK and always aim down sights. I've also used a few others and know their effective ranges. Now onto universal remote... I haven't used this since year one and just got it in a drop last week. As a shotgunner I figured I'd mix it up a little with UR and a sidearm. Fully upgraded I went into pvp and from my typical distance for Dierdris's Retort I am excited and pull the trigger. Expecting a Hollywood style guardian launching 20 feet backwards! To my horror I look at my enemy's health bar (and hear an evil snicker), I gasp and pull trigger again as he slowly turns toward me. I look at his health bar in disbelief... The first sighted shot at 3 arms length literally took down less than half of his white bar (equals less than 1/4 damage) the second shot was not sighted but was a high chest shot. His health bar went down, but still remained in the white, just barely (he was still over half health)! Needless to say my guardian became another statistic in the never ending vigilante style street justice. I swear you'd think Lord Shax would clean up the street violence. Anyway, slightly daunted, but still full of hope like a blueberry facing a dreg, I spurred onward. With thoughts racing through my head of being taken out by the cursed Universal Remote at hand canon ranges I'm slightly pumped (maybe he had an overshield and I didn't see it). My Warlock hones in on its next victim, I see him run around the corner "foolish guardian I will see you on the other side".... I did... BUT IT WAS THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LIGHT.... WHY!!! My UR remote at point blank range shot him in the face. I heard laughter as my body floated to the light and the sound of 2 to the morgue was still ringing in my ethereal ears. Round three, choking back tears and calling upon the god of shotguns (Shotty McShotty... He's Irish leave him alone) "Dear Lord McShotty, I have served you well with all of my shotguns. I pray to thee give me strength and favor that I might defeat my foes in your name!" I prowl the streets looking to perpetuate the needless violence and find 5... Yes 5 worthy opponents. Alas I feel it's too much for my universal remote so I call upon the lightning and vanquish all who stood before me. "who's laughing now?" I see my next UR target rushing me I pull the trigger and my tickle setting works in full! My opponent laughs as he takes virtually no damage and destroys me with Doctrine. Damn you tickle perk! This is why they laugh! If only my tale of woe was over (insert frowny face). I feel I have learned 2 lessons. Lord McShotty heard my prayers and gave me 5 worthy opponents and I mocked him by calling upon another god for the kills. After a short bloodletting ceremony to appease the shotgun god I jump back into it. This time I will weaken my enemies with a grenade and send them to meet my God. I fly over the landscape spot my foe below me (poor fool is spinning in circles and can't find me). I drop my grenade... He's weak! I fall and aim, I land directly in front of him and he's almost dead! Yes! I pull the trigger in blissful glee and hear... Laughter... I cry... I know what's coming next. The familiar sound of 2 to the morgue. Oh the humanity! Why Lord McShotty? These events continued for 5 matches. I have placed my universal remote above my mantel and returned to my trusty Dierdris's Retort. I have also seen this issue reported by several other guardians. Lord McShotty did not answer my call. Maybe overlord Bungie will? Or any other poor soul who has fallen victim to claiming one of these cheap Universal Remote dollar store knockoffs!

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