[quote]Point one: Snipers are extremely easy to handle. Pick up any sniper in this game and you can pull it out like any CQC weapons which is a huge problem somebody should not be able to whip out their sniper body shot then finish off with the primary it should take a few seconds to put away such long and big weapons not snap on our backs in a millisecond.[/quote]
It does take a long time, those who are switching are either bladedancers or someone with quickdraw.
Not every sniper in the game handles beautifully, which is why you only see a handful of snipers being used in PvP. People use the best weapons they can. It's not any ones fault and it's not a valid argument against snipers to say they all handle really well. Shotguns handle really well and so do fusion rifles.
[quote]Point two: Snipers shouldn't be two shots in destiny. Sniper are extremely powerful weapons which makes sense heavy damage in exchange for no CQC ability with it. However this isn't the case any sniper in this game LITERALLY any sniper can two shot a guardian and that isn't skill any scrub and me included can do this and it turns our favorite game types into who is the better sniper/dodger and the only part of the sniper meta that takes skill are dodging the bullets they come from the gun that practically guides them and the guardians who close that gap. (Trials of Osiris)[/quote]
They should be two shots. Nobody would use a 3 shot sniper, and the destiny community has made their voices heard about a OHK sniper. Literally any shotgun can one shot a person, same with fusion rifles.
Sniping takes a lot of skill. Wether you like it or not. Everyone who has dominated you with a sniper was skilled. If you can't face that there is no hope.
[quote]Point three: Sniper in destiny have such high aim assist the game aims for the person plus no recoil for being shot or wobble. Now pretty much any sniper in any other game will penalize you in dorm way when you get shot in exchange for the pose I your hand destiny simply ignores it all and says "Oh I got shot? Well I can still pump two bullets into you or shoot you once in the body and finish you off with my Primary lol" that shouldn't be the case. Instead how about snipers have a wobble and you zoom out once shot. Similar to other fast pace game like Halo or CoD.[/quote]
Worst argument yet. They actually decreased the aim assist on everything in the TTK patch.
Snipers don't aim for you, it just makes the reticule move slower when you're aimed at someone, so it's literally a split second difference in your accuracy. Those with a good reaction time will be landing shots more consistently. That's called skill, not aimbot.
Do this. Go into the crucible, try and let your sniper aim for you. I guarantee you'll lose.
Here the thing these post are valid and I do tho your being bias due heavily using snipers. I'm sorry to tell you but on what planet does it make sense that you be pumped let say there burst of a pulse into a sniper head and they don't get zoomed out or struggle with recoil to badly and yes perks help perks shouldn't be able to completely cover someone behind. Also shotguns have been adjust to the point where you get movement penalties for running with a shotgun. I'm sorry about you got upset but these changes are design to add a level of skill to sniping in destiny and let good snipers shine and any good snipers has nothing to worry about with what I've mentioned here.
Also there actually is a sniper archetype that takes 3 shots to kill. I think it does 217 to the head and 87 to the body
Yep, your right there's only a few of them, and like packis said, no one uses them
I'm pretty sure most of them are green too. I don't remember the last time I was killed by one
Idk about green ones, but there were two legendaries, I don't think I've been killed by one in months now
I got a green Suros one at the beginning of ttk
Omolon one? I haven't seen that one, but there's also the archetype that does 100 to body and 250 to head that is sometimes a three shot body shot depending on armor
Nope it had Suros in the name but it looked sort of like a normal sniper
Oh ok, I didn't think there were any suros snipers?
I looked it up and found a video go to about 2 minutes in after the first game https://youtu.be/FAVujxxnSOk
Ah cool, I'll need to find that one
Neither did I but it didn't look like a Suros. It looked pretty similar to a normal sniper