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6/25/2016 1:06:52 AM
A few of thoughts... All things being equal in equipment, the guardian with the most skill/better reflexes/most experience will win 9/10 times, wouldn't you agree? Just because a player uses the sniper doesn't mean they don't have skill. Those with skill will use them better than those without. Trials is more about teamwork and communication, isn't it? To be fair to you, you did ask for PvP only changes. Bravo for that. However, what's the next strongest gun in the chain? Would it be scouts? HRoF pulses or ARs? The second you nerf snipers that next meta will arise. Heck, last week the land speed record for nerf requests was set by a poster asking for a new nerf late Tuesday/early Wednesday on the Grasp. The nerf on Doctrine archetypes was not out a full day before this whiner kicked in. Unfortunately, as Trials is the true competitive mode of Destiny, it brings out the more contentious posts and requests.

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