Simple really just completely get rid off specials and heavy in trials. I personally don't think anyone would go flawless the initial week of this change.
No, because Trials should be about weapon mastery of all three types - primary, special and heavy. It could be that both the first and second rounds are primary only and round three adds special, four adds heavy and five, six and seven (or however many more it takes) are primary only.
Lol you must be new or have never done trials. All people use is special. I legit played 5 elimination matches a few days ago and I was maybe killed twice by each match by a primary. It's called [b][u]primary[/u][/b] for God's sake.
Holy illiterate, Batman! Did you even read what I wrote? I said special ammo should be round specific, which would solve the problem.
Well the thing is the round special activates would immediately be all specials. Yeah I can read, and I've also done trials. No one uses primary ammo when special is an option.
And if it's one round only, there will be less bitching...