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Edited by Atlas: 9/12/2016 6:22:35 PM

Snipers need a nerf and I will happily debate anyone who disagrees

Sniper have gotten to a point where they are literal perfect weapons for any bad player or good one, to put it simply sniping in destiny takes no skill. Point one: Snipers are extremely easy to handle. (STOP! Actually read this out before you run to comment.) What I mean is switch time. It makes no sense for something so long and stalky to be put away so quickly. However it does make sense for side arms, tiny pistol when primary runs out or fusion rifles, because once you shot the round you can't instantly shoot again. Honestly, you could defend shotguns switch time as well, but I'm not touching that can of worms because people's bottoms really hurt when those words leave your lips. Anyway, Pick up any sniper in this game and you can pull it out like any CQC weapons which is a huge problem somebody should not be able to whip out their sniper body shot then finish off with the primary it should take a few seconds to put away such long and big weapons not snap on our backs in a millisecond. Point two: Snipers shouldn't be two shots in destiny. Sniper are extremely powerful weapons which makes sense heavy damage in exchange for no CQC ability with it and massive damage for landing precision shots. However this isn't the case because snipers have plenty of CQC ability due to snipers being able to kill in two body shots and it's switch time being fast (excluding perks cause as much as I don't think fast switching is valid, exchanging a perk for faster switching is completely fair.) Pair that to the fact that almost any sniper in this game LITERALLY almost any sniper can two shot a guardian. Now you may think "he's going down lanes he deserver it, or he could of dodge, get good". But that's easier said then done when an average player who isn't adept to CQC combat or is trying to get in range for a kill, or the player who knows exactly what their doing get shot in the body and is quickly melted by said sniper or his teammate. Now if snipers were three shot or lost damage based on distance closer meaning less (which is a debatable solution due to map size. The goal isn't to ruin snipers but balance them.) But how current snipers are any person can take a sniper and use it to win fights or matches they wouldn't win if snipers weren't OP. This is turning out favorite game types into who is the better sniper/dodger and the only part of the sniper meta that takes skill are dodging the bullets that come from a gun that practically guides them and the guardians who close that gap. (Trials of Osiris). Speaking of trials why on earth can people res snipe? Not to open that can of worms too much, but I'll leave at this how much skill does it take to a shoot at something that literally can't move unless someone else pushes it. Point three: Sniper in destiny have such high aim assist, the game practically aims for the person. (I need clarify what I mean by this so thank you to the pro sniper debaters who brought it up) Basically AA makes the reticle of a sniper stick the player who is being aimed at and it leave quite a large window then other games and some time it registers hit which clearly are missing and if you add hidden hand you can see shot whizzing pass a person head and some how it actually hits and that is baloney. Now before you say server side issues, A) doesn't exclude the fact that it happens. B) Bungie has no Intention of getting better servers. Plus no recoil for being shot at unless you have high caliber rounds or a high impact weapon which is ridiculous you have conform your primary to beat a special. plus no wobble/sway while aim down sights. Now pretty much any sniper in any other game will penalize you in some way when you get shot. It makes sense, in exchange for the power you wield in your hand you get punished for bad sniping by unscoping or flinching. But in destiny you simply ignores it all and says "Oh I got shot? Well I can still pump two bullets into you or shoot you once in the body and finish you off with my Primary lol" that shouldn't be the case. Instead how about snipers have wobble and you zoom out once shot. Similar to other fast pace game like Halo or CoD. (Note: People didn't like those examples. Sorry but it's true.) Keep in mind these are PVP only changes! Not PVE ones! Edit 1: (remove due to valid points) Edit 2: Keep it up guys I want to have this discussion. Edit 3: agree or disagree I'm happy for how civil everyone has been thank you. Also I would appreciate it if everyone continue to bump this I want to have larger discussion about this getting more of the community involved. Edit 4: wow guys so many replies so many discussions at this rate with this many replies and hopefully even more bumps we can get a community manager to notice! Edit 5: Hey everyone I hope your well I've been playing destiny since day one and I love it. But I believe change needs to happen but if your able to prove me wrong I'll change what I'm saying but that means legit debates not name calling. Edit 6: Huge update read above. Edit 7: Hey debaters I hope all of you are well. Now through out this post I've learned many thing about sniping that have made me rethink some of what I said. However, I've Also seen quite a lot of information confirming my beliefs. So I will continue to support this post. Please be civil and respectful and keep bumping this post so the debate continues. Thank you so much! Also 843+ POST? HOLY SHIT! Edit 8: 1,000 replies and still no replies from bungie? Well hopefully at 2,000. Also anyone who does read this I hope you have a great day! Edit 9: WE DID IT!

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  • So much salt in this forum. Ima break out the french fries to help absorb some of it. Seriously tho, it doesn't matter how much we cry for nerf or buff, Bungie Is still going to update as they see fit. No matter how much or what we ask for it. Our best bets: work with guns we're good with. For example, I main auto rifle, fusion rifle or sidearm, and rocket or sleeper. Yes, it doesn't take much to be good wuth these weapons, but I'm a terrible precision shooter. Anyway, try not to rage about it too much guys, nothing good will come of it. If anything, it'll make you more mad and resolve nothing. BTW the fries turned out great, thx for the salt!

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    6 Replies
    • no they don't.

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    • Edited by KalelKryptonian: 7/4/2016 11:16:43 PM
      Yeah not sure they would nerf them in one place, I would not like a nerf when playing pve, even though PVe has been affected by this

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by JTAssassins: 7/4/2016 10:34:43 PM
        I dont mind them, I think they are more overused than over powered all other weapons being considered. Nevertheless Fair points guardian

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      • One of the biggest problems I see in snipers is that the more popular weapons have a high aim assist and that leads to what OP calls easy sniping. Try to pick up the lesser loved snipers with a low AA and watch how different the gameplay turns out. That's right; all those drag snipes start to overshoot the target. Try it and see how different it feels. I like the way snipers are in this game I just think that because of the high AA, flinching becomes less of a hassle. I use Tamar-D for sniping on my main character and I honestly flinch so easily and when I do I get way off target where sniping is no longer worth trying. Mind you I don't know it's AA value compared to the more popular sniper rifles. I am going by what I feel. Yes those with high AA feel easier to use. I know I have a couple of them.

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      • I completely disagree. Sniper are SUPPOSED to be heavy weapons. In any game they are a two shot kill. I don't under stand why it has to be more than a two shot kill in destiny. And the only thing that needs to be added is more flinching when being shot

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        11 Replies
        • I agree

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          1 Reply
          • Just take away ADS while getting shot and I'll be happy maybe take down aim assist a little too.

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            1 Reply
            • lol because running like a monkey with a shotgun requires a lots of skill.. The problem here is that primaries re not strong enough. You either make them useful or reduce the amount of ammo given by the crates for special

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              2 Replies
              • Yes...more nerfs= broken ass game! Let's keep doing that!!!

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                1 Reply
                • No one is ever happy in this game lol. People spend more time complaing then playing. Learn the skill curve on a weapon you hate and kill people with it. Or find something that beats it don't run to forms and cry for nerf this game already has a problem with just nerfing stuff to change the meta just play the game or find something else.

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                  7 Replies
                  • I would have to say that anything they do will only ruin them in PVE. All the weapons suck for PVE because of all the whining and crying on the forums.

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                    5 Replies
                    • As a fellow sniper I think flinch when you take hits while zoomed in needs to be's way too easy to snipe somone while another player is unloading ammo into your face

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                      1 Reply
                      • They don't need a nerf. Shotties need a buff.

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                        14 Replies
                        • Edited by Droid: 7/1/2016 10:52:11 PM
                          I really get tired of seeing the word "nerf". Granted. That's how 90% of everyone here wants to "fix" things. You're going about it all wrong though. If you don't want a sniping epidemic, you should buff primary damage. And make the other specials more relevant. Snipers were never a problem in y1, but they were used a decent amount (at least by me. It was map specific) They are a problem now. Everyone wants to cry nerf. Although, that's what got us here in the first place.... is it not? My strategy against a full team of snipers is to use any weapon with High Caliber Rounds. It makes them flinch more and they have a harder time sniping. So adding more flinch to snipers would potentially fix the problem. But then you're pve experience takes another fall for pvp sake. That's just not right. It's been happening for over 2 years now. They don't separate the two, so it would happen. There's no denying that. I'll lay it out for you so you understand. You buff shotgun range. Just a slight increase. Maybe 1 or 2 percent. Leave the snipers alone. Not sure how to fix fusions.... Add a fair percentage of primary damage. So that way even though there is an increase in shotgun range, they're still sluggish, and they have to risk closing that gap. Snipers won't be able to just sit back and sponge bullets, there will be no time to body shot then switch to their primary to finish you off, because you would have already mowed them down with your primary to begin with. But with the increase to shotgun range, you make them more usable. Hence, means less snipers in the fray. With an increase in primary damage, you make them really think about when they should actually be risking pulling out that shotgun or sniper. That's my theory..... I could be wrong. It's up for debate.

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                          4 Replies
                          • 1
                            One thing.... Not all snipers can 2 body.

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                            9 Replies
                            • Snipers are fine The problem is that you make it easy for them by challenging them and by peaking

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                              9 Replies
                              • You forgot the satire tag.

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                                5 Replies
                                • Hey at least snipers aren't using Fusion Rifles.

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                                • Agreed, bump.

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                                  1 Reply
                                  • Increase flinch and lower aim assist and you got some guns that no one should complain about, unless they suck dick at this game.

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • Bump

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                                    • 3 BODY SHOT KILL?!!

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                                      5 Replies
                                      • Im sorry but a sniper rifle should kill in 1-2 shots. An easy solution would be to add sway so follow up shots take longer. Ultimately though you should really just change your stratagy. Try to not stand in one spot.

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                                        1 Reply
                                        • I was agreeing with you until you said "too much aim assist". All they need is more flinch. That's it.

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                                          1 Reply
                                          • I highly disagree that snipers take no skill... I do agree they need a's hard for a primary to compete...I think we should increase flinch when taking shots by 50 percent that might help

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