Sniper have gotten to a point where they are literal perfect weapons for any bad player or good one, to put it simply sniping in destiny takes no skill.
Point one: Snipers are extremely easy to handle. (STOP! Actually read this out before you run to comment.) What I mean is switch time. It makes no sense for something so long and stalky to be put away so quickly. However it does make sense for side arms, tiny pistol when primary runs out or fusion rifles, because once you shot the round you can't instantly shoot again. Honestly, you could defend shotguns switch time as well, but I'm not touching that can of worms because people's bottoms really hurt when those words leave your lips. Anyway, Pick up any sniper in this game and you can pull it out like any CQC weapons which is a huge problem somebody should not be able to whip out their sniper body shot then finish off with the primary it should take a few seconds to put away such long and big weapons not snap on our backs in a millisecond.
Point two: Snipers shouldn't be two shots in destiny. Sniper are extremely powerful weapons which makes sense heavy damage in exchange for no CQC ability with it and massive damage for landing precision shots. However this isn't the case because snipers have plenty of CQC ability due to snipers being able to kill in two body shots and it's switch time being fast (excluding perks cause as much as I don't think fast switching is valid, exchanging a perk for faster switching is completely fair.) Pair that to the fact that almost any sniper in this game LITERALLY almost any sniper can two shot a guardian. Now you may think "he's going down lanes he deserver it, or he could of dodge, get good". But that's easier said then done when an average player who isn't adept to CQC combat or is trying to get in range for a kill, or the player who knows exactly what their doing get shot in the body and is quickly melted by said sniper or his teammate. Now if snipers were three shot or lost damage based on distance closer meaning less (which is a debatable solution due to map size. The goal isn't to ruin snipers but balance them.) But how current snipers are any person can take a sniper and use it to win fights or matches they wouldn't win if snipers weren't OP. This is turning out favorite game types into who is the better sniper/dodger and the only part of the sniper meta that takes skill are dodging the bullets that come from a gun that practically guides them and the guardians who close that gap. (Trials of Osiris). Speaking of trials why on earth can people res snipe? Not to open that can of worms too much, but I'll leave at this how much skill does it take to a shoot at something that literally can't move unless someone else pushes it.
Point three: Sniper in destiny have such high aim assist, the game practically aims for the person. (I need clarify what I mean by this so thank you to the pro sniper debaters who brought it up) Basically AA makes the reticle of a sniper stick the player who is being aimed at and it leave quite a large window then other games and some time it registers hit which clearly are missing and if you add hidden hand you can see shot whizzing pass a person head and some how it actually hits and that is baloney. Now before you say server side issues, A) doesn't exclude the fact that it happens. B) Bungie has no Intention of getting better servers. Plus no recoil for being shot at unless you have high caliber rounds or a high impact weapon which is ridiculous you have conform your primary to beat a special. plus no wobble/sway while aim down sights. Now pretty much any sniper in any other game will penalize you in some way when you get shot. It makes sense, in exchange for the power you wield in your hand you get punished for bad sniping by unscoping or flinching. But in destiny you simply ignores it all and says "Oh I got shot? Well I can still pump two bullets into you or shoot you once in the body and finish you off with my Primary lol" that shouldn't be the case. Instead how about snipers have wobble and you zoom out once shot. Similar to other fast pace game like Halo or CoD. (Note: People didn't like those examples. Sorry but it's true.)
Keep in mind these are PVP only changes! Not PVE ones!
Edit 1: (remove due to valid points)
Edit 2: Keep it up guys I want to have this discussion.
Edit 3: agree or disagree I'm happy for how civil everyone has been thank you. Also I would appreciate it if everyone continue to bump this I want to have larger discussion about this getting more of the community involved.
Edit 4: wow guys so many replies so many discussions at this rate with this many replies and hopefully even more bumps we can get a community manager to notice!
Edit 5: Hey everyone I hope your well I've been playing destiny since day one and I love it. But I believe change needs to happen but if your able to prove me wrong I'll change what I'm saying but that means legit debates not name calling.
Edit 6: Huge update read above.
Edit 7: Hey debaters I hope all of you are well. Now through out this post I've learned many thing about sniping that have made me rethink some of what I said. However, I've Also seen quite a lot of information confirming my beliefs. So I will continue to support this post. Please be civil and respectful and keep bumping this post so the debate continues. Thank you so much! Also 843+ POST? HOLY SHIT!
Edit 8: 1,000 replies and still no replies from bungie? Well hopefully at 2,000. Also anyone who does read this I hope you have a great day!
Edit 9: WE DID IT!
I think snipers are in a pretty good place though i would like to see a couple changes. One is more flinch. If im pumping your face with bullets it should be almost impossible to pull off that head shot. The second is snipers should be much more difficult to handle at close range. I dont know how to fix that but it seems stupid that i get head shotted when im within AR range and sprinting.
Eh I don't really have a dog in this fight to be honest. I don't use snipers, just don't have the patience for it. I wanna get right in the thick of it and fight you eyeball to eyeball. Win, lose, or trade that's just what excites me. In general however, I find nerfs distasteful. Our ancestors dwelling in caves didn't have the option to nerf the big cats. They sharpened sticks and started fighting back. They discovered fire and said "We'll burn this mother to the ground before we let YOU have it!" The reality is in combat, the best techniques are passed on by survivors...not petitions. The only reason we're still alive and bitching today is because our ancestors were tough enough to weather adversity and smart enough to adapt. I just don't think the answer to this game's problems is MORE nerfs.
With this nerf you are completely changing sniping from what it is in destiny. Sorry but I'm sick of adjusting!! Just please, please stop!
Dropping the aim assist is pretty much all I support, the main annoyance I have is res sniping, now if they could make that less of a thing, by extending our invulnerability enough so we can maybe move once our res animation ends I'd be happy. Everything else about snipers does not bug me.
First off this isnt sniper or battlefield or any other attempt at realistic warfare its destiny. You do not get to decide what destiny should be, bungie decides what it is, they may ask us for feedback but its stupid to get upset when you freely gave your imput. The only thing i think snipers need is a more flinch but then again im not even sure thats needed. IDK may sucked when 3-4 players including yourself get wrecked by a good players sniper with armor piercing rounds and firefly but its an awesome feeling being on the other end. Let bungie create what they want, its gotten better since launch(execpt netcode issues) and will continue to improve in a way bungie decides
I agree
Your reasoning is invalid also your just being confirmation biased.
Bump! Again since last week's response lol
Aim assist only hurts Imo. And cqb sniping is forced because of all the small maps
I blame all the bad primarys till here recently... But people are complaining about range on pulse rifles and why I believe it's due to the fact people can now kill those pesky non stop snipers with those soild pulse rifles... Just my thoughts
Water is wet
Please tell me you're trolling?
Plus your points suck
Edited by KaptainKrakenZz: 7/5/2016 6:20:32 PMBiased post is biased. Your clearly a big shot gunner or someone you doesn't use snipers to much, you've lost your credibility bud.
Everyone seems to want weapons nerfed because they don't have it. But when they get it they want it buffed. Sickening! Peace out!!
We're talking about this and other threads about shotgun lovers are against sniper lovers and vice-versa I'm starting to come to the realization that all these nerves are just slowing down the game and I don't know if that's a good thing or not
Snipers take enough skill to the point where almost anyone can pick it up but in order to be consistent you need to learn and get better I still lose sniping 1v1 because I double peek when I know I shouldn't. Sniping as well as shotgunning is about knowing what fight you'll win or lose. As well as where you're aiming if you're staring at their toe they still have a chance to kill you. And simply put a bad Sniper is only gonna kill you when you're not looking. Quickscoping is possible in this game to all that say it isn't and if you can't quickscope it's because you aren't "aiming you're hip fire". In order to quickscope you just put the middle of you're TV at their head
Completely agree. A sniper should not be able to kill someone close range while they are getting shot. The problem is aim assist. I have done it myself. Im getting shot in the head from an auto rifle close range and I will just zoom in and bam, headshot. I do not want to add descoping though. Just add more flinch and get rid of aim assist.
Edited by Dagoth Vizar: 7/5/2016 6:30:38 PMI don't use sniping in crucible, ib, or even in ToO-- too slow to bring up even if it's 'amazingly fast' and enemy is 5 feet away. Too slow to swing around even to get a body shot-- I no-longer have the reflexes of a 14 year-old. Snipers are easy to defeat. Just run around behind them and melee them and shoot them with anything. Snipers are easy to dodge and weave away from so they don't hit you. With the exception of Patience & Time, every sniper tells you it's there due to the laser-- not like you can't see them a mile away. No, nothing wrong with snipers. And no, I'm don't use my sniper rifles in PvP hardly at all. Very, very little, unless the other side is primarily sniping. It's just fun to give 'em back what they are sending up range. But even then, I get killed easily by the enemy hunter or titan that waltzes up to me and kills me while I'm looking through the scope.
Edited by Jones Marneus 7: 7/5/2016 1:19:24 PMPoint 1 is your opinion largely plus the stow and draw times are the same for virtually all weapons, with point 2 if you're getting double bodied you're and idiot and deserve it and point 3 is also largely untrue. Games with scope sway and descope also have body shot kills and perfect hip fire accuracy. Introduce them then if you want descope and body shots, welcome to CoD.
Point 3 is really stupid
Lmao this guy is so dam salty he should go play cod where snipers are primaries and then his salt will flow
Lets see how this goes, play me in rumble. You use double snipes, i'll use double shotguns. You'll lose 99/100 times.
Yep snipers are over powerd but insted of nerfing speed up character movement or create more obsticals to ovoid sniper kills. Some maps are to open giving more advantage to long range weapons they need to give object in the maps that we can go in and out or avoid getting hit with. Also create alternative routes or more routes, some snipers hard scope the path you are running on having an alternative or obsticals should help stop you from getting killed. Snipers aim assist need to be lowerd the snipers feels abnormal compared to cod it should be very hard to kill someone with a snipers at close range but its not the case in this game and I dont mean two body shot but the head shot.
So much salt in this forum. Ima break out the french fries to help absorb some of it. Seriously tho, it doesn't matter how much we cry for nerf or buff, Bungie Is still going to update as they see fit. No matter how much or what we ask for it. Our best bets: work with guns we're good with. For example, I main auto rifle, fusion rifle or sidearm, and rocket or sleeper. Yes, it doesn't take much to be good wuth these weapons, but I'm a terrible precision shooter. Anyway, try not to rage about it too much guys, nothing good will come of it. If anything, it'll make you more mad and resolve nothing. BTW the fries turned out great, thx for the salt!