You think Titans were equal to Warlocks and Hunter's before the nerf? Not at all. It was more like
Sunsinger 10
Voidwalker 8
Stormcaller 7
Nightstalker 9
Gunslinger 8
Bladedancer 7
Striker 8
Sunbreaker 7
Defender 6
And this is coming from a player that runs as 3 classes equally
No I was simply using a simplified analogy that forum members of all ages (physical and mental) could use to understand the new conception that Titans are now OP
I understand the analogy you're using but you're assuming all the classes were equal before when they clearly weren't. Nightstalker and Sunsinger were simply much better than the rest of the subclasses for PvP play.
It's like talking to a wall. Here will this make you understand: Hunter: 9 Warlock: 10 Titan: 8 Recent update Hunter: 7 Warlock: 7 Titan 10