I'm gonna [b]f[/b]uckin cry laughing when all the casual PvE players do the crucible quest line and it's not even gonna be part of MoT. I'll applaud bungie for the biggest troll ever. 😂️
Actually that award goes to bungie for black spindle... heres a exotic version of a legendary sniper that was exotic material but we decided to cut its balls off so now its a exotic shit version of a nerfed legendary
They didn't change anything tho... Black hammer was nerfed before ttk
Right but when people first found black spindle did u expect 100% white nail ot the nerfed version
I expected the nerfed version..you really think they would've given us pre nerf white nail for kings fall? Be honest.
True but i guess touch kinda filled that roll
Wouldn't have been a pretty sight.