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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
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6/21/2016 12:13:19 AM
~Some time after the group that traveled to Lothric returned home, a new group arrived. Consisting of four members. The one leading the group was a knight of some sort. Wearing a large iron helm, donned with a red feather, the knight bore chainmail armor, with a white coat bearing a symbol of the sun in the centerpiece. He has a straight sword sheathed to his side. The second member of the party was also a knight. He had donned a stranger attire, which was shaped like onions. The helm itself could be compared to one. He seemed much more serious than the first, and had a large greatsword strapped to his back. The third was the only female in the group. The knightess trudged along, looking gloomy and almost shy. Though her expressions were hidden by a steel knight helm, complete with a visor. She had a straight sword like the other, but a blue shield to complement it. The final member of the party looked awfully familiar. Bald, with a large smile. Leather armor, a spear and greatshield strapped to his back. He looked around the area, with dark brown, and awfully mischievous eyes. The four approaches the Dojo's gates, for the same purposes, really. The first knight stepped forward. [i][u]Ahem... Hello!? Anyone in there?[/u][/i] [b][i]Might be busy...[/i][/b] ~The second knight spoke, and decided to sit down~ [spoiler]Open. Here are the four new characters. All of them in the quest, so...have fun with em![/spoiler]

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  • [u]Balthazar steps out of the gates, sword in hand. As he walks out, smile spreads across his aged face.[/u] Well, if it isn't Solaire. Where have yah been ye old dog?

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  • [i][u]Balthazar! We were looking for you.[/u][/i] [b][i]As was I.[/i][/b] ~Siegward stands up and nods to you~ [i][u]Sirgward can you hand me the list?[/u][/i] ~The onion-like knight hands Solaire an awfully large paper~ [i][u]Thanks. Let's see... Looking for a Mortar, Balthazar...[/u][/i] ~He nods at you~ [i][u]...Zane, Ite, JT, Kross, Royal, Halnir, Lego, Tubbs, and Ornstein.[/u][/i]

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  • [u]Balthazar raises his eyebrows.[/u] What would yah need an old relic like me self for, I wonder?

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  • [i][u]We just decided to travel here, help out. After all, I'm up for Jolly Cooperation![/u][/i] ~Solaire seems excited, that's for sure~

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  • [u]Balthazar laughs.[/u] Well, I certainly missed yeh. Though, I don't really know you two other fine people.

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  • ~The knightess approaches and dies a slight curtsy~ [b][u]Anri of Astora. It's a pleasure to meet you.[/u][/b] ~The last of the group looks at you~ ...[b][i][u]Trusty Patches.[/u][/i][/b]

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  • [u]Balthazar bows towards both of them.[/u] If your companions haven't told you yet, I am Balthazar, Odin-Son of the West, last of the Abyss Watchers. It is very pleasurable to make your acquaintance Anri and Patches. [u]He slams his sword in the ground.[/u] All who are friends of mine have my blade. If you ever need any assistance, a Legion will stand behind you.

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 6/21/2016 5:35:09 PM
    [u][b]Ah yes. I've heard of it already. They seemed like a good group until...[/b][/u] ~Anri goes silent~ [i][u]Its a shame. But now, they're in a better place.[/u][/i]

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  • [u]Balthazar nods, looking down towards the ground, forlorn.[/u] I will do my best to uphold their name. Adeline gave up her soul to save mine, and we are now a single entity. I am willfully bound by duty to honor their ways.

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  • [i][u]Sounds honorable...was Adeline the final one that you...?[/u][/i]

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  • [u]Balthazar nods.[/u] I gave her a warriors death in battle, and an honorable burial in sacrifice.

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  • ~The knight nods, as if agreeing with you~

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  • [u]Balthazar hoists his sword unto his shoulder.[/u] Now, what yah need? I mean, you must of come here with more then a reason to see my old face! [u]Balthazar laughs at his own joke.[/u]

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  • ~Solaire laughs along~ [i][u]Well, we thought we could help out a little. Visit some friends, that sort of thing...[/u][/i]

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  • [u]Balthazar nods.[/u] Well, I don't know where anybody else is, but I could introduce you to my friend Po! He's the one that's kept me from falling apart all these years.

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  • [b][i]Well, we were looking for Ornstein in general. But that is ok.[/i][/b]

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  • [u]Balthazar shrugs.[/u] I haven't seen Ornstein wt all since the end of our quest. It seems he's taken a massive hit to his moral since Mortar ignited the flame...

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  • [b][u]We heard that he did, but...we didn't know of the consequences...[/u][/b]

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  • [u]Balthazar shakes his head.[/u] I'm sorry I can't help you there. Ornstein was a great friend, and it saddens me deeply to think that he was hurt on our behalf.

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  • [i][u]We'll have to give him some time, I'm afraid...[/u][/i]

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  • *a huge jet black wolf four times the normal is walking next a woman who has fiery red hair and bluish green scales walking up the path from lake. Aiyanna notices them right away her ears perking up. * -who are they?- "I have no idea" she whispers

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  • [b][i]How long until they show up?[/i][/b] [i][u]Who knows, unfortunately...[/u][/i] ~The group appears to be setting up s camp~

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  • *serenity walks up with aiyanna walking behind her. she stops when she gets closer to them* "Hi there who are you guys?" *aiyanna sits down next to serenity*

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  • ~The bald one yells out in surprise and jumps forward, hitting the ground. The knightess goes in to help him up. The first of the group looks up at you~ [i][u]Ah, yes! Hello! We're a group, traveling here from Lothric. I am Solaire. This here is Siegward...[/u][/i] ~The onion knight waves~ [b][i]Good afternoon.[/i][/b] [i][u]That is Anri and Patches.[/u][/i] ~Anri appears to be the knightess, as she pulls up Patches from the ground~ [b][i][u]Ow, ow ow ow ow...I think I broke my toe![/u][/i][/b] [b][u]You'll be fine, Patches. Just calm down...[/u][/b]

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  • "Oh sorry i didn't mean to startled your friend there." She says "My name is serenity and the wolf beside name is aiyanna she's a black shuck. oh she can speak but with her mind. She says would of said hi herself but she didn't want to frighten you" says serenity *aiyanna barks at the last thing serenity says. She looks at all of them with her red eyes while wagging her tail*

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