".....ok?........then they say i am weird..."
Hey, I've been traveling with a monkey. I'm about as weird as you can get.
"by you looks i can bet..."
[i]*precision claw extends* *gives the finger*[/i]
he Aims his arm and fires a small bullet projectile
[i]*quickly deploys holoshield* *it bounces off*[/i]
he smiles as the moment it bounces off a second charge detonates generating an explosion right on the shield
[i]*shield holds*[/i]
He chuckeld before using his left hand to lob a corrosive bomb over the shield. of course Mars chemical warfare
[i]*grabs bomb in hand and throws it back at you*[/i] Stop it, asswipe.
he grabs the granade as he jumps mid air throwing it with brutal strength into the ground making it detonate into a poll of corrosive acid. "scared?!"