[b]Slaanesh is dead.[/b]
[b]Everyone celebrated, couple people got drunk and did shit.[/b]
[b]Speaking of celebrating, Ling and Macha officially are having children...yay half Eldar.[/b]
[b]Traliks, a Fallen Kell who's powers match that of Sly Marbo has appeared upon the Bloodwrath.[/b]
[b]Wehb cannot stop calling me a Heretic.[/b]
[b]A black Templar verbally assaulted a Inquisitor and stole EVIDENCE. Which was booze.[/b]
[b]This list shall be updated over time, just reploi if I missed anything that I cannot find.[/b]
You forgot the part where a Black Templar verbally assaulted an Inquisitor and stole his booze.
Good, good.