Sad to know that we bushes can't stick together. :(
I voted Green Party. :( your views on reading children's books and processed snack foods were too radical for me.
[spoiler]I don't support President Bush. Never did. My Gamertag is a joke.[/spoiler]
So was my comment. I was an ass earlier, so I was using a joke to cover. I love ho-ho's.
It's all good, man.
Not sure where all the hate is coming from. Never said anything about streaming. Just offered to help people. So what streamer did you wrong? Were you laughed at in front of their entire chat?
I'm not interested in money and I don't have a Twitch stream I'm trying to promote. Just a guy who plays Destiny in my spare time, who wants to help others, as plenty of people helped me when I was just starting out. I don't have anything against streamers, though. If I could make a living playing a video game, that would be amazing.