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6/15/2016 5:20:02 PM

Orlando: The math doesn't add up.

I'm not sure how I overlooked this. I have enough experience with AR-15s (hence the name) to know that this doesn't make sense. Only two explanations: * The shooting was staged. (Unlikely) * There were multiple shooters. (Likely) Stay safe.

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  • Off topic are detectives as well? Man we are so many things, Scientist Professional athletes Rappers Doctors Nutritionist Teachers The list goes on

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    • I saw a vid on YouTube where they fired an ar till it melted down enough to make it inoperable and that was around 700 rounds. And all he did was shoot reload repeat. Never made it to 1000.

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    • The shooting wasn't over in 7 mins. The text messages from to guy in the bathroom to his mother prove that. There's 23 mins between his first and last texts. So that means there's at least 23 mins between the start of the shooting, if he sent the text right when it started, and when he was shoot, if that happened right after he sent the text.

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    • I think the whole thing is suspicious. First they're like 50 dead, then 49, then whatever. How am I supposed to trust people who can't even count to 50? Just don't believe he could get that many.

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      3 Replies
      • That's pretty weird, I heard that he had two guns though if that would make any difference.

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      • Everybody watch out. OP is a navy seal with 420 confirmed kills in ww2, Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq. He knows how ar15s work therefor all your arguments are invalid.

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        • All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for their daily succs Going nowhere, going nowhere Their succs are filling up their glasses No expression, no expression Hide my head, I wanna drown in teh succ No tomorrow, no tomorrow And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm succing Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to succ When people don't get teh succ It's a very, very mad world, mad world Children waiting for the day they can gibe succ good Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday And I feel the way that every child should gibe teh succ, gibe teh succ Went to school and I was very nervous No one knew me, no one knew me Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson how do gibe succ?, how do gibe succ? And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm succing Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people succ in circles It's a very, very mad world, mad world Enlarging your succ Mad world *succ succ succ* why does everyone think every shooting is fake?

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          • Edited by Infiltrat0rN7: 6/18/2016 11:15:12 AM
            My money is that the police killed some bystanders in the crossfire when they engaged the shooter. Also not really a reliable source but someone on 4chan said his former ex-lover who was at the pulse said the police did kill a few people by breaching into the bathroom, which contained a few people attempting to hide. This article contains the same video I saw and you can clearly hear at least 4 rifles go off then and the end hear yelling+"CEASE FIRE CEASE FIRE"

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          • Edited by Flawless : 6/18/2016 10:52:34 AM
            The shooting was like 20 minutes though Wtf the police must have been far away

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          • A friend of mine believes that the cops shot up the place trying to get to the shooter.

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            2 Replies
            • There was a guy blocking an exit door. Domino effect made it easier to just shoot a bunch of people together. People hiding in bathrooms too makes it easier. But in the end its just terrible.

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            • Edited by Bob: 6/16/2016 9:50:28 PM
              I believe he carried more than 1 gun, usually when you plan attacks you want to make sure you are packing Edit: I also doubt there was much "aiming", more like a spray and pray type

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              1 Reply
              • Honestly, I don't believe it was an AR-15, but AR-15 has become the goto gun to be blamed, even if it wasn't one. That being said, yes I don't believe everything is being told completely true

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                1 Reply
                • I know this is bad, but what if when he was shooting up the place he was thinking "Double kill", "triple kill", "head shot", "360 YY prone no scope wallbang". Just a thought.

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                  7 Replies
                  • The gun didn't end up being an AR-15 it was a Sig Sauer MCX. Still semi-automatc though so that does apply. The shooter worked for a British security company that was commonly contracted by the US government. Sources say it was possible that he could have access to high grade military equipment. [spoiler]some sources. [/spoiler]

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                    14 Replies
                    • There were 3 tragedies in Orlando this week. The homicide, the shooting and the devouring. Those are 3 words. A triangle has 3 sides. The Illuminati is confirmed and it is giving us a message. Stay safe guys, this summer is getting really spooky.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Search for, "The man with the red shoes caught red handed" on YouTube. This whole thing sounds kinda strange.

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                        11 Replies
                        • Didn't the entire stand off last approximately 4 hours? Is it possible that everyone was injured/killed over the course of 4 hours rather than 7 minutes?

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                        • He also had a handgun.

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                        • Edited by ClusiveC: 6/17/2016 12:07:45 AM
                          I actually thought about this in-depth the day after it happened, when they came out and said it was an AR-15. Come to think of it, I should've posted a thread about it. One thing you learn in the military is how guns work. There are a lot of misconceptions about them that people pick up from movies and games and shit - like how, apparently, pistols are accurate weapons. Or that you can survive standing behind a discharging rpg/sfw. Or Fallout 4s weird interpretation of how compensators work. Or Battlefield 4s insistence that you need to calculate bullet drop with sniper rifles with targets well inside even a couple hundred yards - a failed attempt at being 'realistic' which actually made the game even more unrealistic. A lot of people seem to think that the AR-15 is an automatic rifle. Like what? Not that this gun was an AR-15, but the point stands when people say we need to ban AR-15s (I saw this on a liberal meme the other day, about how an ar-15 shot over 100 people or some shit and should be banned)

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                        • Edited by TheRealBigC_: 6/16/2016 9:55:59 PM
                          Obama and his terrorist appointed staff over the CIA and Homeland security are at fault for the shooting in America. How so you ask? The head of the Homeland security said nothing when Omar the shooter filled for a gun permit or a concealed carry license. When he knew that Omar had sworn allegiance to Isis. The CIA director told the FBI to back off Watching Omar. Muslims do not obey the laws or constitution of America.President Barack Obama stated in Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2009: “When the first Muslim American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the … Holy Quran.” The dilemma is: How can one swear to defend something upon a book that promotes the opposite? The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion, yet the Quran states in Sura 4:89, “Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take hold of them and kill them wherever you find them.” In Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol. 9, Book 84, No. 57), Muhammad said: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” Islamic law relegates non-Muslims to “dhimmi” status, where they are not to propagate their customs amongst Muslims and cannot display a Cross or a Star of David. The First Amendment states Congress shall not abridge “the freedom of speech,” yet Islamic law enforces dhimmi status on non-Muslims, prohibiting them from observing their religious practices publicly, raising their voices during prayer or ringing church bells.The First Amendment states Congress shall not abridge “the freedom of speech,” yet Islamic law enforces dhimmi status on non-Muslims, prohibiting them from observing their religious practices publicly, raising their voices during prayer or ringing church bells. The First Amendment states Congress cannot take away “the right of the people to peaceably assemble,” yet Islamic law states non-Muslims cannot build any new places of worship or repair any old places Muslims have destroyed; they must allow Muslims to participate in their private meetings; they cannot bring their dead near the graveyards of Muslims or mourn their dead loudly.The First Amendment states Congress cannot take away the right of the people “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” yet Islamic law states non-Muslims are not to harbor any hostility toward the Islamic state or give comfort to those who disagree with Islamic government.The Second Amendment states, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” yet Islamic law states non-Muslims cannot possess arms, swords or weapons of any kind. The Third Amendment states one cannot be forced to “quarter” someone in their house, yet Islamic law states non-Muslims must entertain and feed for three days any Muslim who wants to stay in their home, and for a longer period if the Muslim falls ill – and they cannot prevent Muslim travelers from staying in their places of worship. The Fourth Amendment guarantees “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures,” yet Islamic law states if a non-Muslim rides on a horse with a saddle and bridle, the horse can be taken away. The Fifth Amendment states that “no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime … without due process of law,” yet Muhammad said, “No Muslim should be killed for killing a Kafir (infidel)” (Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, No. 50). The Sixth Amendment guarantees a “public trial by an impartial jury” and the Seventh Amendment states “the right of trial by jury shall be preserved,” yet Islamic law does not give non-Muslims equal legal standing with Muslims, even prohibiting a non-Muslim from testifying in court against a Muslim. The Eighth Amendment states there shall be no “cruel and unusual punishments inflicted,” yet the Quran states: “Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are male or female, as punishment for what they have done – a deterrent from Allah” (Sura 5:38). A -blam!- woman is punished: “The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication – flog each of them with a hundred stripes” (Sura 24:2). Women can be beaten: “If you experience rebellion from the women, you shall first talk to them, then (you may use negative incentives like) deserting them in bed, then you may (as a last alternative) beat them” (Sura 4:34). Honor killings of wives and daughters who have embarrassed their families have been reported by the United Nations in Muslim populations of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and increasing in Western nations. The 13th Amendment states there shall be no “slavery or involuntary servitude,” yet the Quran accommodates slavery as Muhammad owned slaves. The 14th Amendment guarantees citizens “equal protection of the laws,” yet the Quran does not consider Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims as equal to Muslims before the law. Referring to Jews as “the People of the Book,” Muhammad said: “They are those whom Allah has cursed; who have been under his wrath; some of whom were turned into apes and swine” (Sura 5:60, 7:166, 2:65). The 15th Amendment guarantees “the right of the citizens … to vote shall not be denied … on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude,” yet the fundamentalist interpretation of Islamic law does not allow voting, as democracy is considered people setting themselves in the place of Allah by making their own laws. The 16th Amendment has some similarities with Islamic law, as “Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes from whatever source derived.” Muhammad said, “Fight those who believe not in Allah … until they pay the jizya [tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (Sura 9:29). The 18th Amendment has some similarities with Islamic law, as “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors … for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.” The 19th Amendment allows women to vote, yet in strict Islamic countries women cannot vote. The 21st Amendment allows for the sale of liquor, yet Islamic law prohibits non-Muslims from selling or drinking wine and liquor openly. One would assume that to swear upon a book implies believing what is in that book. As Muhammad was not just a religious leader, but also a political and military leader, Islam is not just a religious system, but also a political and military system. Since no one has the authority to demand Muslims worldwide cease imitating the political/military example of Muhammad, when Muslims bow in prayer they are also pledging political/military allegiance to Mecca. Swearing to defend the U.S. Constitution upon a Quran that promotes different values is a dilemma worthy of a presidential explanation. Show spoiler

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                          • It certainly makes you think!

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                            • Obama was behind it to push anti-gun legislation.

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                              4 Replies
                              • Ar-15 wasn't used was it?

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                                5 Replies
                                • I thought the point of having guns is so that you can defend your self if someone is attacking you

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                                • Lets round up all the retards and push them into a volcano

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