Now I have been stuck on 360 for quite some time due to economic constraints. I have been wanting an Xbox One for a while but it has been too expensive and not really top priority. Now, 360 is cancelled in production and games are almost exclusively coming out on One.
Yesterday at E3 Microsoft announced the Xbox One Slim, which is 40% smaller, supports 4k, VR, and can have up to 2 Terabytes (holy shit). They also announced it would be coming out in August... at the same price as the normal Xbox One is currently.
My question to you is: do you think Xbone's price will drop and, if so, how low do you think it will get? (I just hope as low as possible lol)
[spoiler]No Consul War bullshit. Sony fans can peep in on this too. It is mostly a guessing game.[/spoiler]
Maybe $249, but used ones traded in for the slim, may be a better deal.