A [b]skin[/b] for the best gun in the game, which mind you, will also be obtainable at a later date, is being given out with the preorder.
Not the best gun. It is the best Rocket Launcher in the game. Which is not saying much unless you got an active burn modifier helping it just isn't what it was before. Sleeper is a DPS machine now as long as there is a Crit and can hold 12 shots with extra heavy ammo perks on chest pieces. Ghally will probably only be able to hold 8 at most and have far less damage per shot on one target. Ghally is still gonna be a monster at clearing hordes of enemies in close proximity to each other but just will not be able to cut it against bullet sponges like it used too.
Edited by Chadley: 6/11/2016 4:04:26 PMIf I may add, the best gun in Year 1. But as shown in the Ghorn trailer, Wolfpack Rounds still exist. Weather or not it is un-nerfed or stays the same, it [i]should [/i]still demolish bullet sponges. Only weapon that can out-DPS Ghorn is maybe Spindle.