I ordered all the parts for my pc, the cost has been 1600$ so far and I expect to add 200-400$ on top of that when I pick up a graphics card.
Feedback on the build?
Video Card: TBD, probably an Rx 480, 1070, 970 or 980. I will see once the Rx launches where the prices for all those cards are.
CPU: i5 6500
8gb ram
250 SSD
1tb HDD
212 Evo
Asus z170 pro gaming
EVGA 650w power supply
White Enthoo Pro w/ window
Windows 10
And my peripherals are:
K70 Rgb(Mx reds)
Deathadder chroma
Asus Vg248QE
What are your thoughts?
You should've waited for AMD's FX Summit Ridge CPU, the RX 480 is a good choice, but I'd wait to see the later RX 4XX models.