So I was reading the "This Week At Bungie" and something hit me. There was the part that said, "The paths of current and old gen will split in August and will run parallel to one another." This confused me because it implies that one doesn't just end but they split and leep going individually in different directions (Think Assassin's Creed Rogue v Unity). RoI comes out in September, which meant that [i]something[/i] had to be happening in August to diverge the generations. I wracked my mind of what that could be. SRL? Iron Banner? Queen's Wrath? Then I realized, what was something significant that would require little energy or money? Something big that Bungie already had at their disposal that people would enjoy. How about two unused raids?
What if in August, to give the Last Gen one last ride and to get current gen hyped, they released VoG and CE up to current (or higher) level? Maybe even add those exotics they time gated like Shinobu's Vow or those Warlock boots? It would make sense. What do you guys think?
They're saying you will no longer be able to use the same characters on both old gen and current gen versions of the game. So you can't get rise of iron gear for the ps4, then load that character on your PS3.