The best gun ever (some people think so) is being sold for real money.
Edit: calling names is why people call you sheep. After all , all they have to say is" it was a typo or i said the wrong thing" and people will swallow it.
When YOU preorder, you l get a black version iron gjally. do understand when you buy the still get a the quest for gally anyway. But I'm preordering to get the black version of the gun.
dumb post and poster? check. you should re-check your info bud.
No thats only if you want the black version, you get the regular colored version from a quest dipshit.
How is it being sold for real money... What if the never told us gally was gonna be in this expansion?? You would still buy it.. The preorder is a skinned version of the original!! Idk ppl keep saying this stupid s hit
It's not being sold, you just have to pay a little earlier
Doubt it will be as good as it was...but destiny is on its last legs now so no real point in holding it back I suppose
Edited by RogueExile: 6/10/2016 1:46:08 PMEveryone gets the quest for ghorn. Pre orders get the black and silver one. That's all
You get a mute, asshole.
Last time a i checked, buy to play the game has always been the model for every game.
Why is everyone so stupid? You win the mute game!
Get your facts correct before posting nonsense!
The iron version is. Everyone can get the Ghallerjorn by doing the quest for it. You'll get the black, iron version if you pre order. Honestly how do you get so damn hyped over something you couldn't even be bothered to look up? Spare yourself, please.
Its the same price bro. And everyone gets ghorn from a questline, pre-ordered or not
God your stupid. It's not pay to win. Everyone will be given the quest for the exact same weapon it's basically just if you pre-order you get it with a new skin.
I am a fierce Bungivision hater. I would clap at their children's missadventure. But you sir, are a little twat in the process of looking for some special snowflake attention. So here you go... ╭☞( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭☞ \ . .\ \ \ /╰U╯\
Too bad there isn't payforabrain.
Edited by Dommel88: 6/10/2016 1:23:03 PMYou can still get the gjally by a quest just different colours..
Its still obtained behind a quest both of them are. Check yourself before you rek yourself
RIP intelligence these days
Not really since everyone can get it of a quest and also if you are going to get the dlc why not pre order it like the day before it comes out.
Time to sell 3 of coins :-D
No! It will be available through a quest! Shut up already!
What you fools don't know is that if Bungie debuffs the Ghorn it secretly won't apply to the iron ghorn
Yap totally, BC black and silver colors are so OP #NerfTheColors
It's only the skin you moron