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6/6/2016 8:48:47 PM

I'm voting for Bernie Sanders, Win or Lose. Here's why.

This is my reply to another user in a different thread that I feel people should see. Maybe I can sway a few people. [quote]Believe it or not, I've read into every candidate that is currently running. I'm well aware of Hillary's scandals and populous politics that she swears is consistent. She is certainly not a viable candidate based in how her views can sporadically change to fit the majority, and that can lead to serious conflict with other nations. I'm well aware that Bernie is a [b][u]Democratic socialist[/u][/b] whom is pushing for economic reform in social programs. Things that need reform like social security and health care. Sure he'll raise taxes, but it's for certain things that help everyone. Nobody wants to pay for something so necessary as health. He's the most levelheaded candidate whose stuck to his views over the years and is the most politically experienced, passing more amendments than anyone in history. Notable republicans have stated that he's "out-republicaned the republicans" and he's often called the amendment king. There are a few things on his agenda that I don't agree with such as free schooling and welfare for those that don't work. But he is also pushing for drug testing on welfare which is a huge step forward. Then there's Trump. The only other viable candidate. I do appreciate his policies towards the military on a family level and of course his attempt to tackle a long term problem like Immigration. Though people don't realize that this wall he wants to build will coat over $10 billion. That doesn't grow on trees, it will be through taxes, similar to what Bernie gets hate for. I personally don't mind taxes, but racism is something I can't tolerate. And yes, he is racist. In a recent interview, he was asked about his trial for trump university. He brought up the fact that the judge is Mexican. Then when the interviewer asks, "are you saying that he can't do his job correctly because he's Mexican?" Trump interrupts with, "now he is of Mexican heritage, and he's very proud of that. But I'm building a wall." And he said that over and over again, as if a broken record. He never actually answered the question, almost insinuating that the judge would be deported because of his heritage, even though he was born in Indiana. He denied ever having knowledge of David Duke even though he had called him the problem of the Republican Party for being a racist and a bigot years prior. He's a liar and it's safe to assume he's a racist. I mean he's also said that all Muslims are un-American. So yeah, I don't agree with anyone else's polices based on what I've heard directly from each horses mouth, rather than what Fox News or NBC has told me to believe.[/quote] Bernie supporters get a lot of shit for "being uneducated voters," when in actuality, I've seen more uninformed voters for the other two candidates Regardless, I've put time into my decision, rather than hearing "I'm building a wall. Let's make America great again." And then criticizing others' intelligence for their opinions when they've actually done their homework. Each candidate has their positives and negatives and to me, the key negatives stand out in Clinton and Trump more so than Sanders. He may lose, but there isn't anyone else up there that I'd rather have in office.

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  • *cough dumb socialist post cough* Socialist is crap compared to capitalism. How about you live in a mud hut in China and enjoy your predetermined life. Only one child, you make this and get this tiny amount of crap. And so forth Or... Capitalism where whatever you do is measured along skill work ethnic ect... the better you do the more you get! The harder you work the more fun you have. It's kinda hard to think people who enjoyed the wealths of capitalism want to throw it out for balanced predetermined life.

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    4 Replies
    • I say all government should burn and we should just fend for ourselves. Survival of the fittest!!!

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      5 Replies
      • Edited by JG WENTWORTH 877 CASH NOW: 6/7/2016 10:00:11 PM
        The wall can be paid for in many ways that doesn't take money from the country. 1)We can end all remittances to Mexico ($24 billion per year) 2)Increase Visa fees to come here(unknown amount) 3)Stop trading with Mexico (we lost roughly $50 billion last year to them, already lost $20 billion from January through April) 4)Hell, he could even have people pay to put their name on the wall, that would save mexico some money. Also, people bring up race when the offender is white but get mad when race is brought up with a non-white offender. The key witness was released from the trial because they were saying good things about the university. For -blam!-s sake, he's not deporting all mexicans you retard, he's deporting all ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

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        10 Replies
        • I simply don't believe in paying for people's trudge through college, or everyone's healthcare because they deliberately decide not to take their medications like they are supposed to. How about instead of arbitrary bullshit like calculus in high school, we teach real world applicable shit like more detailed health and anatomy classes so hopefully people will make better choices and begin to put less of a strain on the healthcare system and even more so, do it for their own -blam!-ing health.

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          • I pray Bernie runs on a third party ticket.

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            2 Replies
            • The democratic party should be in revolt against this corruption. Even when Bernie wins he loses like in Colorado. Sweeping victory yet the delegates (not just super delegates) went mostly to Clinton. Hickenlooper, a Colorado super delegate, said that despite the vote he was going to support Clinton. I'm sorry thats not a democratic or even a republican system that is totalitarianism when you ignore the vote of your people. The democratic party is literally rigging the election for one of their "good ol boys" or in this case girl, all because she is an insider. I personally disagree with Bernie and his socialist policies but am outraged by how he is being treated. No wonder so many of his followers are violent at protests, the man is getting screwed by party insiders who don't want to give power to someone who isnt in the club. Trump and Bernie are examples of how disgusted people are at the elitism of both parties. And they should be especially when both use underhanded and dictatorial tactics to subvert the will of the people. And now its not even underhanded its blatant and out in the open of "oh yeah go and vote it doesnt matter though what the outcome is." The old saying, "presidents are not elected they are selected" is exactly why we need a little revolution in both parties. Trump has already started it in the republican party after they tried everything to stop him and now Bernie needs to push harder on the democratic side. Because I'm sorry even if he is a socialist and i disagree with him the vote of the people should still count even in the primaries and caucuses because if they don't then what is the point of even having them if a handful of people don't uphold the votes?

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              4 Replies
              • Edited by Synapses: 6/8/2016 1:34:14 PM
                I liked Rand Paul, but nobody else did so... I just cried in the corner with less than 1% of voters

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              • Edited by Odd Ball M4AE4: 6/8/2016 4:41:47 AM
                Give me one place or time where Socialism didn't end in poverty,strife,and all out failure in America. [spoiler]And, even if Bernie doesn't make it to the final countdown,it's still your legal right as a citizen to vote.[/spoiler]

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                • Vote for who you want to be president, not for who you think will win. Not my words.

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                • I agree that trump and Hillary have major issues, but ultimately, I think Bernie's socialism is the worst possibility. Look through history. People in free countries become rich and successful if they are diligent where the people in socialist and communist countries are usually very poor and often can barely get by with no hope of a better life.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Stopped reading at "Bernie is level-headed"

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                  • It's gonna be Bill Clinton running the country and Hillary has best foreign policy out of the candidates. Bernie is done and will try to implement some of his policies with Clinton. That's why he's meeting with Obama Thursday

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                  • You guys should just work with more parties. I know you have more than two but you never hear from those.

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                  • If Bernie gets elected, at least I can still use my concealed carry to fight to the front of the bread line.

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                      what I understood from this thread--- "I'm gonna throw a vote away that is basically the same as not voting at all cause I am gonna vote for someone that lost anyway"

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                    • The lesson in all this is that we're all tired of the current government. Both sides.

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                    • I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

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                      4 Replies
                      • I voted for Sanders here in Pa. Where he lost but only on the ends here in the middle of the state he won. I as a democrat can never vote for Clinton as she is a criminal and her campaign should be forfeit as she goes to prision for her crimes.

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                      • Or you can just not vote!

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                      • Voting for a loser LMAO @ YOU

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                      • Edited by Jenkem: 6/8/2016 1:41:44 AM
                        [spoiler]socialism is trash[/spoiler]

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                      • No reason not to vote for who you support even if they're gonna lose

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                      • I'll be voting for Bernie today as well. I don't think he has a chance but this is the first time in my voting life that Cali primary might have an actual impact on a primary candidate.

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                          I'm glad ghost has given up his reign of stupidity. [spoiler]I feel like this is related[/spoiler] I'd vote Bernie just cos you actually know where he stands, unlike the others. All of his more 'extreme' stuff will have too much opposition to get through, but he will get a fair bit done based on his past, which you mentioned in your post. This is my view from outside the US anyway.

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                          • Trump 2k16

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                          • I see people calling trump a racist but next to Hillary he's not at all . I guess this crowd is to Young to remember when she was a Goldwater girl .she fought to not let black people vote and thinks they are super I don't get how he's the racists please explain

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