If they were harder to obtain, they should be God tier. But... Everyone and their mother can get most of the exotics and most of the quest ones are pretty easy.
Wait... Year 1 they [i]were [/i]harder to get but everyone cried. Oh well, there's no winning.
I miss turning in all 5 bounties and hoping to get an exotic bounty to drop. Would I have to kill enemies in the Nightfall with fusions or get hundreds of void kills in the Crucible? Use only a machine gun for 3 hours in patrol or spend 50 special ammo synths? Or my personal favorite: play 25 strikes and then a few matches of Crucible.
Haha, don't know if you ever did this, but I remember people saying to wait at night to turn in your bounties. I was always hoping for that gold one to pop up for a gun I didn't own yet. Always after 11pm est. Still don't think that really changed anything, but it was worth a shot.
I heard the rumors, but I never got around to testing it out.