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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/5/2016 4:16:22 AM
[i]"Your appreciation is noted, Warlock. While I would usually travel with my Seer council, you will have to do."[/i] She chuckles slightly, releasing a bit of the tension. [i]"We should move away from this position. Human cultists patrol this place thoroughly, and although they are weak, they could give away our position."[/i]

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  • "Indeed, though I have lost my Shuriken Pistol. It was most likely looted." Said Ciarn. "The question remains, Where will we travel?"

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  • [i]"The imperials have a few positions around here. We should be safe there."[/i]

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  • "But do they not despise us?" [spoiler]srsly like Imperium, Eldar and Tau need to get their shit together and not kill each other.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]if they would team up they'd basically win every war.[/spoiler] [i]"they do not despise me. I have a reputation among imperial field commanders and soldiers. While an Inquisitor would most likely want our head pinned on a wall, the troops will most likely greet us with some friendship."[/i]

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  • [spoiler]A Ork Waagh! the size of that one Warboss that conquered like most of a galaxy can probably defeat those three combined.[/spoiler] "Alright..But let's hope that no such Inquisitor is on this ship." [spoiler]Even though there are like two out for Heretic Blood ATM.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]"If they are... I suppose we'll have to defend ourselves."[/i] She checks her gun, then looks around. [i]"We should get moving."[/i]

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  • "Agreed. To the nearest Imperium camp. Wherever that will be." The Warlock looked around his general area. [spoiler]Trivia:The Adeptus Mechanicus are jelly of how Eldar jetbikes work.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]hue[/spoiler] She begins moving through the hallways and corridors, going to the General Quarters.

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  • The Warlock followed patiently behind, seeing he had no other choice for survival. Yet as they walked the halls the sign '[i]Aquila[/i]' appeared on dead carcasses, usually lacking a head or a hole blown in their chest. This was a sign that a Inquisitor has been here.

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  • [spoiler]I'll have an artifact hunt post later, wanna join?[/spoiler] [i]"Imperial Inquisitor... just what we needed. Be careful, Warlock."[/i] The Farseer continued to move down the halls, cautious of the inquisitor's presence.

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  • [spoiler]sure. Gotta figure out who I want to use tho.[/spoiler] Clearly the dead carcasses were mostly 'Nids and Heretical Daemons with their Chaos Marine buddies. Yet again it was the same pattern, except for the Tyranids. They were barely noticeable due to that acid bullet shit the Imperium has. But then a peculiar shout was heard. "[b][i]WE ARE THE HAMMER![/i][/b]" Fücking grey knights and their shouts.

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  • [spoiler]well it'll be this character for me.[/spoiler] [i]"Blasted Grey Knights and their shouting... careful, Warlock. Although they specialize in killing Demons, they still pose a threat to us. We should avoid conflict against them if possible."[/i]

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  • "Indeed. Though they may combat those Daemons of the Warp I'm sure they will not hesitate to kill us. Clearly the Imperium is going full lockdown." Little did Ciarn know he was right. Inquisitor Ling was locking down the general Quarters after his encounter with The Siren. He was obviously not taking visitors but the duo could make it to the general quarters before the Inquisitor and his Grey Knight.

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  • [i]"Let us hurry."[/i] They rushed to the general quarters, hoping to make it before the Inquisitor. Slipping out would be easy once they were in, but slipping in would prove more difficult.

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  • The General Quarters was honestly..not very well guarded. It's just Imperial Guardsmen and a Grey Knight. Though the Imperial Guardsmen could be fooled by a simple psyker trick the Grey Knight would be complicated. [b]Inquisitor Ling and The Grey Knight.[/b] "Sector is clear of Daemons and monstrosities for now..We should head back and restock." Said the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor and his Grey Knight were unknowingly on the tail of the Eldar Duo.

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  • The two eldar moved away from the Grey Knight, seeking and finding a breach that was guard by imperial guards. Once there, she turned to face the warlock. [i]"I will speak for us."[/i] She dropped her cloaking, and approached the men. They quickly brandished their lasguns, and spoke. By the sound of their accent, they were Cadians. "Halt!" [i]"Fear not, humans. I am Macha, of Craftworld Biel Tan."[/i] They looked at one another. "Macha... that name sounds familiar..." The other one spoke. "Isn't she that one eldar that saved the general from a Tyranid assault once?" She removed her mask as a guise of trust, letting her red hair cascade onto her shoulders and into her back. She looked at them with her pure green eyes. "I only seek shelter for me and my ally. Brave men of the imperial guard and space marines are the only ones I can trust. Please." They both look at each other again, with uncertain expression. She carried truth in her words, and had a reputation. And she was beautiful, too. "Agh, alright. Go through. Just be careful of the Grey Knights. They're very jumpy, 'specially around here." "Thank you, brave soldiers." She looked back at the warlock, motioning for him to come forth.

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  • The Warlock followed Macha, though keeping his helmet on. Arknin, The Tech-Priest was briefly seen forming a Ferrocrete building for some purpose though he did not notice the Duo. While the camp was impressive, given the situation it was not the best seeing how they were on a death ship. [b]Lings side of the story.[/b] During the moment in which Macha talked to the Guardsmen, Ling was walking the halls when he noticed a Shuriken Pistol upon the ground. Though he wasn't a Ordo Xenos Inquisitor he could tell it was Eldar Technology due to the design.

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  • "That went better than I expected. Seems my reputation does precede me. We should hurry to find a base commander. He or she should be able to help us with any Inquisitors poking around." She kept her helmet off simply because she forgot to put it back on. Her silky ginger hair flowed onto her back with majestic grace and elegance.

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  • "We should, I will let you do the talking for I lack experience in Imperial customs." But then things took a turn for the worst as Inquisitor Ling, finally made it to the camp with the pistol in hand. "Where are the Xenonic Scum?" He said, looking down at a Imperial Guardsmen. "I'm afraid I have no ide-" "Don't you dare lie to an Inquisitor! The Eldar are always wrapped into this Daemonic problem one way or another! So tell me, Where are they?" Though they were sufficiently far enough for the Inquisitor not to notice they were still in probable danger.

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  • "By Khaine... it's that Inquisitor!" She turns, thinking. "I fear a confrontation is imminent at this point. I will distract him. Flee into the camp! If you encounter any imperial, simply say you are with me. It should make things very simple. Go!" She walks towards the Inquisitor. "Hello there! Is it me you seek?"

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  • The warlock sped off. Ling looked at the Eldar Far-Seer, his Power Armor certainly menacing to say the least. "Why are you upon this ship, [b]Xeno.[/b]?" He said with a look of distaste. "Perhaps you should know that this should not involve you." Though in one hand he gripped the Shuriken Pistol and the other a Bolter Rifle, with a Bolter Pistol Holstered. The Grey Knight walked in at this time too, clearly he was serious. "By the Emperor, A Xeno!" the Grey Knight exclaimed. "While it is not within my..Jurisdiction to jail you as long as you prove you are no Daemon threat, I'm sure another Inquisitor would enjoy you back on Terra."

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  • "Now now, Inquisitor, I believe neither of us are in a position to make demands." While she did not wear bulky power armour, her runic markings, the runes that floated around her body and her wraithbone armour were a fearsome sight. Lighting from her seer powers arced through her dual-edged staff. "I know for a fact that you are not on this ship willingly either. And I also know that you have no means of returning to Terra yet."

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  • "Fine, you have my attention. But be warned..If you attempt anything I will not hesitate. Now then..what is you want?" Though he was a member of the Inquisiton he was fairly reasonable. His Weapons of course did not even budge from their original position. The Grey Knight was rather confused from all this.

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  • "I request nothing from you, Inquisitor. Only that you leave me and my companion alone. I think even you can understand that." She looks at the Gray Knight. "Although I doubt comprehension from you."

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  • "Fine, but I request two things from you. First, You do not interact with any Imperium upon this ship unless they are Militant and above. Second, If you see any Daemon incursions around the Quarters...Do tell. I believe these terms are acceptable?"

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