Looking for adult chill gamer to join. We play about 8:30 eastern time. Clan name gameking nation
Hello, Guardians of Genesis is actively recruiting new members to expand our groups for raid, crucible, trials of Osiris, or just to hang out. We run kings fall and challenge of elders weekly. If you find yourself too low of light, don't fret we have steroids, guardians of Genesis will help you get there. We are mostly central time zone based and are on the PS4 platform. If you're interested search for our clan on https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/195807. We look forward to seeing you!
Looking for a new active clan? Then join us at Classic Randos a PS4 Destiny clan that strives to look for new active members, we are both a Pvp, and PvE clan, We don't discriminate we just ask that you be at least 18+ years old with a mic, and at least one character up to lvl 40. Most of us are located between USA, Canadian time zones, mostly active in early afternoon, to late night. You just have to go to bungie.net and join our group, refresh the page and set as clan, clan members are normally active on our exclusive psn chat. Just hit the link Below and it will direct you to the page you want to be, also will be a link to our alliance clan if you think, their name is better then ours. Classic Randos: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/780330