I'm not a particularly skilled player when it comes to Crucible. Do you know how I can get better? By playing against others that are as good as, or better than, I am. Pub-stomping doesn't improve anyone's skill set. Being challenged, does.
And quit using lag as an excuse to complain about SBMM. Use lag as a reason to demand dedicated servers.
I have good internet - usually between 40-60 mbps. However, it seems as if I'm playing the game at a second or two behind what's really happening. I.E. I see a gunslinger pop his super, I scope my sniper on his face during his animation - but before I can shoot him and before his animation finishes I die from his golden gun. That kind of thing happens to me a lot. Lag is the number one reason against SBMM. The number one reason for Bungie to get dedicated servers is because their baby SBMM won't work without it. And the number one reason a lot of players in Destiny are good is because of lag, because they're playing a different game than most and because real time for them is different than most. Unfortunately for me, having good internet is a detriment. The connection of a game is set to the worst connection in pvp, not the best.