This YouTuber made a custom game concept and In my opinion bungie should definitely check this out let's spread the word out for custom matches
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Bump bump bump bump bump
The idea is really good, a lot of people are complaining about how there would be no loot, we'll why should there be loot? Customers games to me would be for having fun or trying to prove to some else your better than them. And if you want loot then just go play regular crucible or some pve for that matter. Would love to see bungie design some thing like this. Big ups to the guy who took his time doing this
Hella bump!!!
That would be awesome, sadly we have bungie.
My god yes.
Bump for later
BUNGIE, make this posible, PLEASE. Fcking BUMP
Wow that was well done Bump
I wish......
Can I get a reply for later
Bungie please!!!
Very cool!
Bumpity, bump!
This would be the best thing ever!
Bump and upvote
See this bungie!