So I've been playing iron banner (it's been amazing this week by the way, not really) but joining mid game quite a bit today and I've been slightly irritated because it's always games we're losing. I say slightly because it's usually like 4000 to 5000 or so on and that's fine, I still have a chance to win BUT JUST NOW I was put into a game where the score was 1900 to 9500. Lterally seconds after Mercy rule was activated; game over. Seconds into a game and I get mercy ruled. It's not that big of a deal getting mercy ruled but when I am put into a game that's already going and I'm already losing by 8000 points and I lose within 10 seconds, it's just ridiculous.
I wish I could empathize... I joined a match in progress and before I spawned into the match (ship was in orbit "flying" to planet) our team won