Forever 29
Only Y1 will understand the pain of this statement
Forever 31?
That would be year 1 also, yes, I just felt 29 was more difficult :)
Getting to 32 was easier than getting to 30 but I did both with all 3 guardians
Edited by Majin_Buddha_: 5/28/2016 9:24:39 AMThat's where I got my twitch name from. NotQuiteLegendary... I had to use iron banner to get boots to finally get 30.
Shameless self plugging lol
I don't really stream, so it's not really that. To me it's just a name for chat there. Not to say I haven't streamed, that's usually just my friends that watch to make fun of my fantastic skills. But yeah, can't plug anything when I don't use it.
Is just prank bruh
Figured as much. Just wanted my intentions clear. Hate when people try to promote here by hijacking threads. Fine with them starting their own threads to do it, just don't like that they try to use other people's threads.