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Edited by Tugsten: 5/30/2016 5:21:31 AM

Honestly, pit bulls are bad.

So I live in San Antonio. On the news, one of my athletic coaches cat was killed and torn apart by a pit bull dog while the dogs owners just stood there and left after the killing. They came home to pools of blood and cat parts all over the driveway. The cat, named, was sitting under a parked SUV in their driveway. Imagine what would happen if their kids saw the parts. Before you say it's just the dog, why are there so many reports of pit bull attacks? They have wayyyy more attacks in proportion to other dog breeds. Maybe it's THERE LOCKING JAW. Why would having an animal with a extremely powerful jaw that can snap shut and lock down a good idea? They have had for 6 years. A neighbor apparently saw it but was most likely too terrified to go outside due to a murderous dog bread to kill and mutilate and also because they probably thought the dog's owners would defend the dog. The family and presumably many others would be terrified to let their children out. Imagine if this happened to a child? You should be able to not live in fear of being killed by a leashed dog watched by people while not aggravating it in the slightest. What's your opinion on Pitbulls? May Mr.Cat rest in peace and may the Violent dog and owners be met how they should. Update: I see now that the cat triggered the PitBull. I'm so stupid to not see that. I mean the cat was sitting there. Pitbulls get triggered by many things. My point is they're unpredictable and unstable. It's like giving someone with extreme Down syndrome or another illness a gun and blaming society when they kill someone. The fact is that since they were made for fighting, they can go off at any moment and tear off half the face of a child. Update 2: please go through comments before commenting,m. I'm getting tired if the same thing.

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  • That's like blaming the gun for shooting people.... People have already said it. But I'll say it again. It's the owner who makes the dog. Clearly from your post when the man didn't do anything, he's not a good owner. I have a demonic Yorkie on my street because the owners don't discipline it. It attacked my dog, which shows that no matter the size OR JAWS if the owner is bad the dog will follow suit.

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    • [quote]. (title is) still a stereotype bias against an entire breed. if dogs had not been domesticated period the only breeds of dogs in existence would be; wolfs dire wolfs dingos hyenas jackals foxes and coyotes 1/2 of which have locking bite jaws. all your little cute benign toy/show dogs such as chihuahua, papillon, pug, Pomeranian ect.. they would not exist or they would be bottom of the food chain aka food for other dogs/ mountain lions ect.. also; the cat owner was not present or watching the cat; there are things called wild animals still so yea their cat died through owner negligence; yea it got eaten by some psycho's pet pit bull; it coulda been eaten by a rabid stray-gone wild dog or a mountain lion, if you have a pet an let it wander around freely with out supervision this is the kinda horrible junk that can happen to it. dogs and cats are scavengers & omnivores with a preference towards meat; un supervised they will kill and eat one another. [/quote]

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    • Pit Bulls are great dogs, it's just these shitty owners who believe pit bulls are aggressive animals and raise them in such ways.

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    • In most cases it's not the dog it's the owner.Big breeds require alot of discipline, attention, exercise and respect.I truly feel sorry for breeds that are deemed dangerous purely at most times out of neglect.

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    • Pit bulls or any dog attack randomly depending on how they are brought up. My blue nose Pitt is a huge baby about everything

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    • Okay, you've got your hate beam pointed slightly off. The problem isn't the breed of dog, its the breed of OWNER. violent pitbulls are generally owned by people who want a dog to be violent. If you wiped pitties from the earth, they'd find another breed. Matter of fact, this same trend went on with mastiffs, doberman pinschers, etc. I've personally known pitbulls who went their entire lives as gentle, loving dogs living with good families. tl;dr The blame belongs to people who turn their dog into a weapon, not the breed. Think bigger.

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      6 Replies
      • -blam!- off, mate. I've owned four, one of which was around me when I was first born. None of which ever attacked anything, aside from chasing the occasional squirrel. Let's look at some logic, shall we. Pit bulls are renowned for being powerful. Now tell me, what kind of dog would attract a self-absorbed douchebag? The powerful ones, correct. So we have a case of powerful dogs in the hands of bad owners. Of course that breeds violence, you twit. Before it was Dobermans, then German Shepards. Also, pet of the year awhile back was a pit bull that saved a young child at the cost of one of it's legs, so I suggest you assess your slight retardation, and learn that no animal is inherently bad, aside from humanity, as evident in your post.

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        13 Replies
        • Edited by Aevum Invicta: 5/30/2016 6:29:51 AM
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        • I have been attack by more cats than dogs. (14 cats and only 1 dog). So based off my personal experience, cat owners need to put their cats on leashes more.

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          • you realize that's literally the same thing as saying black ppl are all criminals right? (pit bull is a race of dog) not all dogs are bad; there are a ton that are; most are either wild, not trained or cared for and a few are trained and kept by criminals for illegal dog fighting just because bad stuff happens and one type of ppl are more involved than the other; does not mean all those ppl are bad same thing can be applied to dogs. another example; CATS less cats would get hurt/diseases/pregnant if their owners actually kept their cats in the house instead of letting their cats just wander around the neighborhood a cat is not a person and has very little actual ability to discern judgement of situations; letting a cat just roam free is no different then letting your toddler wander around the city.

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            4 Replies
            • The problem is always with the owners man. And statistically you'd be wrong. Dalmatians actually tend to attack more people world wide than pitbulls. They're just reported more than any other dog attacks. Also, they aren't the only breed with locking jaws. German Sheperds have locking jaws. Jack russel terriers have locking jaws. Again, it's all on the owners, mate.

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              • Does this look like the face of a killer?

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                • Pitbulls are vicious creatures that must be put down for the good of the realm.

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                  • Pitbulls are bad, m'kay?

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                  • [quote]THERE LOCKING JAW[/quote] It was at this point I, Wild Gringo, realized this is b8. Good b8 though. You would of had me. Even with "Mr. Cat". But once I read that purposefully misspelled "their" and the urban legend that could have been avoided after a .06 second Google search, I realized I had already bitten onto the hook. Well played op. Well played.

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                    • Put bulls can be violent and I would say are more violent than other breeds but can be taught to not be violent. In all, the owners should be held responsible but so should the dog.

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                    • My bro has two great pits. One a big! baby that you can cradle and rub its belly. The other just sits and chills watching tv. Not all.

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                    • B8

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                    • Update 2: Since it seems people are out for my neck now. Go look down in the comments. I have never said anything about killing the dogs. In fact, I have said PitBulls should be treated like guns. You need a permit and such and training to own one.

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                      28 Replies
                      • Edited by Lord Huron: 5/29/2016 10:30:47 PM
                        My question is why does pitbull have a dog breed named after him.

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                        • Bad b8 m8 [spoiler]Or you're just retarded, either way no skin off my nose[/spoiler]

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                          3 Replies
                          • 1
                            Well yes this is very sad. I love dogs and cats both and I have one of each here with me. If I were to look out my window and see a man watching his pitbull destroy my cat I would have no issues putting a hot slug through that dogs head while his owner watches. And if it were on my property there wouldn't be a damn thing he could do about it.

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                          • Im not a fan of pitbulls either. from my experience, a good amount of people who get pitbulls are careless or just want tough dogs. My German Shepherd puppy got attacked by a 4 year old pitbull twice. The owner barely did anything and i had to get it off my dog.

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                          • Some Owners are bad. Dogs are like gun's, they are neither good nor bad until a human interacts with them.

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                          • Edited by Dylan: 5/29/2016 5:25:51 PM
                            Quick Pitbull Story: [spoiler]My neighbor once had two little pugs. He loved them a lot, but that's besides the point. Anyways, one day a pitbull got lose in the neighborhood and found its way to my neighbor's home. It then went into the yard and tore one of the little pug's face off. My neighbor then proceeded to shoot the pitbull once in a none fatal area. You see the pitbull limped home and the owner called the police, which in turn let my neighbor figure out who owned the pitbull. He spend thousands of dollars to keep his little pug alive but it was inevitable and it died.[/spoiler] Anyways, they can be viscous if the owner doesn't raise them right. Now occasionally a friend brings his pitbull to my house, and it is incredibly nice to people. It still can't resist my cat though, but that is understandable.

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                          • I got chased by one the other day but luckily he started chasing my friend instead because he was stupid enough to try and outrun it :D

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