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Edited by Duardo: 5/27/2016 12:49:03 PM

The Blustery Brew (Part 1)

Tac-2 leaned back in her seat, crossed her right ankle over her left knee, and took a rare moment to relax amid the bustle and noise of the tavern. The Blustery Brew was one of few places she could enjoy a moment free of the stress of combat, and although the tavern was open to all manner of Guardians, the Titans had quickly claimed it as their own. It was rare for Hunters or Warlocks to pass through the doors any more. [i]And just as well.[/i] Tac thought. [i]The last thing we need is more infighting. The Faction Wars were bad enough, and now Guardians want to tear each other apart over how they use their Light.[/i] There were exceptions to every rule, however, and one such exception sat across from Tac, fingers curled almost protectively around his glass of ale as he leaned over the table. The Striker glanced in her friend’s direction. The human most certainly felt her gaze, but he neither returned it nor acknowledged it. “You know,” the Titan remarked, “You don’t have to come with me every time.” Akrin turned toward his friend. “Someone has to watch your back.” A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth. “In the City?” “Especially here.” At just that moment, another Titan sauntered up to the table. His pale blue visage held a scowl, and he eyed the Warlock with disdain. “And what brings you here, Firefly? We don’t get many Warlocks anymore.” He leaned against the table, propping himself up with a fist. Akrin quirked an eyebrow at Tac, hitching a thumb in the newcomer’s direction. “See? You attract trouble wherever you go.” The Awoken leaned forward, threatening to invade the Warlock’s personal space. “I asked you a question, [i]Sunsinger[/i].” Akrin leaned back and adopted a more relaxed posture. He angled his good eye toward the Titan. “Just here for a drink, same as you.” “What makes you think any of us want to drink with you?” “Hey.” Tac shifted her weight, eyeing the blue-and-green Pandion Mark strapped to the Titan’s waist. “We’re all Guardians here.” The Awoken turned on her, yellow irises flashing. “I don’t recall speaking to you, Exo.” Tac didn’t respond, although she preoccupied herself with adjusting one of her gauntlets. Akrin caught sight of the motion and turned back toward the Titan standing next to him. “Firey temper. [i]And[/i] you knew I’m a Sunsinger. I take it that means you’re also attuned to the Solar energies?” The Awoken man’s scowl deepened. “Just like a Warlock. You think you know everything.” “Not really.” Akrin replied. He took a sip from his glass. “That’s why I’m a Warlock.” The Titan pounded his fist on the table. “And [i]that’s[/i] why you’re leaving.” He reached for the front of Akrin’s robes. Without so much as a preparatory movement to betray her intent, Tac stood, grabbed the Guardian’s arm, and twisted it behind his back. She turned and shoved him into the nearest wall, pinning him there. The tavern fell silent. She was fully aware that everyone was watching, and that by all perceptions [i]she[/i] was the one who had instigated the altercation. One wrong move and she would no doubt be standing in front of Zavala the next morning. “What’s your name?” She asked, loudly enough for the occupants of the tavern to hear. The Titan struggled for a moment, then relented. “Mursor.” “Well, Mursor,” Tac made sure her voice still carried through the room, “you can do one of two things. You can go buy a drink and relax like the rest of us, or you can leave. But you [i]won’t[/i] be threatening my friend. Warlock or not, he’s a Guardian just like you and me. Or have you competed in the Crucible so much that you’ve forgotten?” “Alright, alright,” Mursor grumbled, “I get it. Let me go.” Tac released the Sunbreaker and turned away, once again adjusting her gauntlet as she retook her seat. Mursor huffed and made for the door, casting a glance backward as he left. Everyone else resumed their conversations, and the tavern was once again filled with the noise and chatter that lent the word “blustery” to its name. Akrin had returned to cradling his ale, leaning over the table with his weight on his forearms. He flashed a mischievous grin at his friend. “Such a troublemaker. You know, the Vanguard really ought to do something about you.” Tac didn’t immediately respond. She crossed ankle-over-knee again and rested her hand on the table. “I’d almost prefer he stay in the Crucible. With a temper like that, he’d let his emotions get the better of him. Easy target for nearly anything out there.” “Don’t worry about it. Attitude like that, Shaxx’ll straighten him out.” “Maybe.” Akrin frowned. “I know you think the Crucible is a waste of time, but you have to admit I wouldn’t be where I am without it.” “I don’t think it’s a waste of time. I just feel as though the Guardians who choose the Crucible are prone to wasted [i]effort[/i]. How many more would we have on the battlefield, fighting the Darkness, if there weren’t so many fighting each other back here in the City?” “The Crucible helps us hone our skills. By turning the Light against itself, we learn its limits. And we don’t have to worry about whether our Ghosts can bring us back after each death. Every time I compete, I learn more about the Light, about myself.” “I hadn’t thought of it that way.” Tac tilted her head in thought. “I suppose there are few places in the wilderness to really test yourself without keeping some of your Light in reserve. In the Crucible, you can fight without holding back.” “Exactly. I saw the mark that Sunbreaker was wearing. I bet he knows more about his limits,” he pointed at Tac for emphasis, “than you know about yours. Which is why I’m glad he didn’t choose ‘option three’. Not that you would have stood a chance either way. We both know you’re useless in a fight.” Tac couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well then I’ll hide behind [i]you[/i] the next time we face a Primus.” ~~~~~ [b]Another blurb. Tac and her best friend Akrin make a stop by the Blustery Brew for a much-needed evening of relaxation, but someone seems to think that it's a Titans-only establishment. No matter; he won't be back. [i]Or will he?[/i][/b] [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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