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5/25/2016 5:59:44 AM
Forge of Gods -Prologue- "Frost...Frost wake up... Traveler please give me the power to not punch Frost in the face FROST WAKE UP" "Chill, I'm awake" "Jesus Frost we're dead men now" said Ghost very angrily. " realize that your a robot and I'm a robot to..., anyways why are you so mad? And whispering to?". "I'm detecting movement all around us but I can't determine what it is, it's not Hive, or Fallen," "Vex?" "No vex signatures, and definitely not Cabal" "Ghost just...just shut down and go to sleep, we're sa-" Frost was cut off by a distant explosion. "I knew it, Frost... I think Im detecting battleships...Cabal battleships I believe. That's why I couldn't figure out what race it was BECAUSE IS WAS A SHIP THEY'RE GOING TO BLOW UP EUROPA WE'RE GOING TO DIE" "Frost to Cayde, are you reading? Frost to Cayde" Cayde responded "You better have a good reason for interrupting my beauty sleep". "Cayde we're out here camping in Europa right? And I think a Cabal armada is going to blow the whole moon up, and we're kind of stuck here, the transmat I set up is jammed...because of you..." Frost starts sobbing "WHY IS IT GOING TO END LIKE THIS! THIS ISN'T THE WAY I WANTED TO-" Frost is cut off and all Cayde hears is static. IMPORTANT BROADCAST "This is Cayde-6, we need all guardians at the tower as soon as possible for a battle plan against the Cabal Armada that just now killed a guardian on Europa. NOW"

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